Monument record MHG18008 - Possible Occupation Site, Ballachulish Moss


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Grid reference Centred NN 0540 6029 (20m by 20m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NN06SE
Civil Parish KILMALLIE
Geographical Area LOCHABER


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NN06SE 12 054 603.

The peat moss at North Ballachulish was surveyed and sampled by GUARD in order to assess its conditions, extent and archaeological potential. Various archaeological discoveries were made in the vicinity of the moss during the 19th century, including the recovery of a carved wooden figurine which has since been radiocarbon dated to c626BC (NN06SE 2-6).
A sub-surface contour survey revealed that the N portion of the moss survived to no greater depth than half a metre, having been used as a source of fuel throughout the 19th century. The S portion of the moss survived to a greater depth, over 3.5m at its deepest. The ground surface beneath the S portion was found to undulate, probably due to the presence of various kettle-holes and glacial melt-water channels.
A Russian corer was used in order to extract a series of seven peat cores from the S portion of the moss. These varied in depth from around 1m to over 3.5m. It is hoped that these will allow an insight into the vegetational history of the area while also providing radiocarbon dates for the initiation of peat growth.
The peat moss clearly has archaeological potential, surviving to a considerable depth in places. Any development taking place on or around the moss will necessitate the implementation of a watching brief in order to monitor the removal of peat.
Sponsor: Highland Regional Council.
Pollard 1993.

NN 054 602 (centre) A programme of survey and excavation was conducted in the S portion of North Ballachulish Moss between March and June 1996 in response to development threats (see Pollard 1993 for previous work). The work was carried out in two stages: March 1996 - surface penetrating radar survey; June 1996 - excavation and coring programme.
The radar survey showed the underlying topography to comprise three large lake basins, the deepest up to 4m, with areas of shallower peat in between. A series of anomalies was detected at 1-1.5m below the surface in an area of deep peat on the edge of one of the lake basins. The anomalies persisted over an area of 40 x 50m.
Two major trenches were excavated. These were positioned over areas of deep peat using results of the radar survey to assist in their location. The largest trench, c 4 x 2 x 1.5m, was positioned over the edge of the deepest lake basin containing the anomalies. A compacted surface rich in charcoal and small angular pebbles, mainly of quartz, was encountered at 1-1.5m below the surface. Worked wood was found associated with the feature. A second small trench was excavated over another of the lake basins. This trench extended through peat deposits to the boulder clay beneath.
Five 1sqm test pits were excavated to check for features within the shallower peat. These verified the results of the radar survey. Cores were obtained from all of the lake basins. Organic material contained within the peat is well preserved and suitable for a range of palaeoenvironmental analyses and radiocarbon dating.
A Data Structure Report has been produced. Post-excavation work is in progress.
Sponsor: Historic Scotland 1996

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Clarke, C M. 1996. 'North Ballachulish Moss (Kilmallie parish), survey and excavation', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1996, p.67. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 67. 66.
  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Pollard, T. 1993. 'Ballachulish Moss (Kilmallie parish): assessment of peat moss', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1993, p.46. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 46. 46.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2008 12:00AM

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