Building record MHG18952 - Operations Block, Tain Airfield


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Grid reference Centred NH 8121 8099 (10m by 10m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH88SW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish TAIN


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Full Description

Renumbered from NH88SW0014C
Jhooper, 27/11/2002
NH88SW 14.03 8122 8099

In a small copse about a mile from Tain Airfield (NH88SW 14.00) are the impressive remains of the operations block. It was originally intended to control the Tain Sector and the usual miniature theatre with raised balcony was provided. Surprisingly, it is unvandalised (1983).
Entry is gained by a door marked 'All Aircrew' and an arrow points down the steps. Other readable inscriptions include 'Tactical Library'. The trunking for the gas filtration and air supply is all still in place.
D J Smith 1983

On the N slope of Hunting Hill and situated at a bend in a minor road that runs from the main A9 to Tain Airfield is a large concrete/steel and brick building. It is some 50-60m in length by 20m in its present form and there is evidence of a further building in front of the S-facing façade. From the remains and evidence from vertical air photographs (visible on RAF 106G/UK/751 5086-7, flown 1945) it would appear that the building to the front was a long narrow block extending the full length of the main structure and connected by two corridors, the ends of which now form the entrance ways to the surviving building. The rubble which lies in front of the building would suggest that the demolished building was the toilet and washroom block, a small section of a porcelain urinal was noted amongst the debris. Internally, the building is as described by Smith (Smith 1983) though it is now heavily daubed with grafitti and slogans both inside and out.
Visited by RCAHMS (DE) May 1997

As described above. Comprised of over 30 separate rooms including a remarkably intact theatre-style operations room. Many of the original fixtures and fittings, including the air ducts, stencilled signage and grafitti from the original builders, survive. The present owner is looking to sympathetically renovate the building and convert to provide private residential accomodation whilst retaining most of the original building features <1>.

Martin Briscoe has submitted photos of this site to the Highland HER Flickr group. <2>

Sources/Archives (3)

  • --- Text/Publication/Volume: Smith, D J. 1983. Action stations 7: military airfields of Scotland, the North-East and Northern Ireland. 201; 200.
  • <1> Verbal Communication: Puls, A. Comment by Andrew Puls, HC Archaeologist.
  • <2> Image/Photograph(s): Briscoe, J M. 2008-11. Information and photographs of various sites submitted by Martin Briscoe. Colour. Yes. Digital. via Flickr.

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Record last edited

Dec 19 2011 12:00AM

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