Monument record MHG19083 - Achiemore


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Grid reference Centred NC 5810 0320 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NC50SE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish CREICH


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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

NC50SE 86 581 032

A farmstead comprising an unroofed building attached to a field wall is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Sutherland 1878, sheet cii). Field walls are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1992).
Information from RCAHMS (SAH) 20 October 1995.

The survey of 1988 recorded a group of three similar rectangular sites within the N end of a large enclosure. The enclosure also contains several smaller rectangular structures and a fine example of a crop-drying kiln. In 1989 a radiocarbon date of 0350+/-50 bp (GU-2848) was obtained from the fabric of the bank.
In the 1991 season, excavation was directed at the central rectangular structure, within the group of three. Aligned at right angles to the slope, its upslope, end-wall consisted of two courses of unmortared masonry, the down slope end-wall was ill-defined and appeared top consist of several phases of turf construction. The long walls were built mostly of turf with occasional large stone blocks. The building measured c. 4m by 22m externally and c. 3m by 19 m internally.
The building was clearly bipartite. The down slope half contained an off-central drain and can best be interpreted as the byre. The upslope half contained three hearth sites and was probably the kitchen and sleeping accommodation. The evidence for the original appearance of the building is equivocal and although a cruck and creel framed turf structure is likely, some doubts must remain.
The site contained some pottery - mostly 19th-century - glass and metal objects. It is probable that this assemblage accumulated after actual habitation had ceased.
An adjacent but smaller rectangular structure was also excavated. Little functional or architectural evidence survives and this site is best seen as an enclosure or small non-domestic structure.
Datable artefact evidence from secure contexts was absent from both sites. In the larger, domestic site there was good evidence for successive repair or reconstructions and well preserved hearths may well supply date samples, thougfh such dates from wjat are probably recent contexts are problem,atical. The 1989 radiocarbon date, similarly, must be quoted with considerable caution and can only testify to some activity in the vicinity prior to construction.
Sponsor: Historic Scotland.
R McCullagh 1991f.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Text/Publication/Article: McCullagh, R. 1991. 'Achaidh Mhoir (Creich parish): post medieval settlement', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1991, p.47-8. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 47-8. 47-8.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

May 13 2016 12:00AM

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