Monument record MHG19487 - School, Stemster
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred ND 1747 6251 (22m by 17m) |
Map sheet | ND16SE |
Old County | CAITHNESS |
Civil Parish | BOWER |
Geographical Area | CAITHNESS |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
ND16SE 57 174 625
Longhouse (ND 1748 6251). Dimensions: 10.2 x 5.6m. Rectangular structure containing a fireplace. Built at right angles to and attached to its NE end is a range of three barn units, the SE compartment containing a byre slot. Orienataion ENE-WSW.
R J Mercer, NMRS MS/828/19, 1995
A roofed building marked as a school is depicted here on the first edition of the OS 6-inch map (Caithness 1877, sheet xii), but not on the current edition of the OS 1:10,560 (1970).
Information from RCAHMS (FO) 15 February 1996
This site was visited by C dagg in 2000 during a walkover survey on the route of a propsed new water main. The ruins were described as 'substantial' lying just to the south of a reservoir compound. They consisted of a C19 croft house attached to older buildings forming an L-shape. The footings of older buildings were visible to the east and the boundaries of two square enclosures immediately to the south. <1>
GR corrected to above from 1st ed OS - HAW 10/2003
Dagg C: DBA & Photograhic Record in advance of Demolition. <2>
Visited 08/02/2013. Little change to description given in Dagg, C. 2005. <3> <4>
Sources/Archives (4)
- <1> SHG21043 Text/Report: Dagg C. Water Mains Stemster-Haster-Reiss-Toftcarl. . . Site 3.
- <2> SHG2097 Text/Publication/Volume: Dagg C. 01.2005. Stemster Old School, Parish Of Bower, Caithness. Report 1402.
- <3> SHG23286 Verbal Communication: Puls, A. Comment by Andrew Puls, HC Archaeologist.
- <4> SHG23993 Image/Photograph(s): Puls, A. Site Visit Photographs. Colour. . Digital.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (2)
Record last edited
Dec 18 2013 9:27AM
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