Monument record MHG24236 - Building/possible enclosure, Allt Bail' an Uillt Shios
Grid reference | Centred NH 3549 5526 (9m by 11m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH35NE |
Geographical Area | ROSS AND CROMARTY |
Old County | ROSS-SHIRE |
Civil Parish | CONTIN |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
NH35NE 10 3550 5526
An enclosure is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Ross-shire 1881, sheet lxxxvi) and on the current edition of the 1:10000 map (1971).
Information from RCAHMS (AKK) 5 March 1996.
West of the burn, Allt Bail an Uillt Shios
733 Building/Possible Enclosure - NH 35498 55255 (Nmrs No – NH35NE 0010) The remains of this substantial structure are situated 200m to the south of the main settlement at Balnault on a steep E facing slope. The structure is trapezoidal in shape, measures 9m x 9(11)m overall and is in two parts. The main/west part, which measures 6.5m x 4m internally, is surrounded by the remains of a substantial stone and turf wall, generally 0.5-0.6m in height (externally) although the south wall is 0.9m. The internal area appears dished and the walls here are only 0.2m high. The east compartment is at a lower level and there is a short steep (0.3m high) intervening slope which has no stone composition. The east compartment is more of a level platform, 7.5m x 3m, built up with a stone and turf retaining wall at its east side. The north and south walls are mostly of rough stone construction and there is a possible entrance in the north wall 0.5m in
width. <1>
OS mastermap <2>
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SHG24904 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M. 2010. Report of Phase Three Loch Meig to Dalbreac: February 2008 to June 2008, August 2009 to October 2009. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Digital. p.48 Site 733.
- <2> SHG23361 Image/Map: Ordnance Survey. Ordnance Survey Mastermap. Digital.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Nov 24 2017 11:26AM
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