Monument record MHG24910 - Allt Feith A'Mhoraire
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Grid reference | Centred NN 4680 9594 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NN49NE |
Civil Parish | LAGGAN |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
Renumbered from NN49NE0010
Two long, rectangular building footings, oriented north-south and parallel to each other. Each building has four compartments, each 2m square. The entrance to each compartment faces onto a 'street' formed by the two buildings.
There are three other building footings just to the north and the west of these. These are less distinct, but appear to be L-shaped and could be shieling-huts. A possible trackway leads up the east side of the burn towards a bridge on a diversion of the military road (NN49NE0003).
All the buildings lie on a very gently sloping area, close to a burn, the south-east side of which has been revetted. The military road passes immediately to the south of the multi-compartment buildings. Their orientation would suggest that they are related to this routeway (rather than to the possible trackway running north). A modern fence line lies between the south end of the buildings and the military road.
Graham Robins (Badenoch and Strathspey Community Archaeologist) 31.09.99
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Record last edited
May 13 2016 12:00AM
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