Monument record MHG24923 - Tolvah


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Grid reference Centred NN 8439 9950 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NN89NW


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Full Description

NN 844995
Visited Sunday 18th Feb 2001. Weather – bright but overcast and cold. This township is situated on a flat moraine above the level of the river, but quite close to it. The extensive area of improved land on which it is centred is fenced off and grazed heavily by sheep. There appears to be two phases to the site – the structures to the east, nearer the river are relatively recent, whilst the group on the west side of the site appear to be earlier.
A settlement at Tolvah is marked on the 1st edition OS map of 1872 and also on Roys map of 1750

Structure A
A roofed building in good repair – used as a holiday cottage.

Structure B
Rectangular in shape and measuring 12mx 5m, this building lies on a NW/SE axis, the low turf and stone footings are clearly visible, the southwest wall rising to a height of 0.3m. Appears to be an entrance in the NE wall at its east end and no evidence of internal walls.
To the NW of this structure and associated with it, there is evidence of an enclosure ?20mx15m,
the footings on the SW and NW sides only can be discerned.

Structures C
To the NW of holiday cottage. A collection of derelict sheds with timber walls and corrugated iron roofs, with a stone ?square building on west side, used as shelters by the sheep but in a broken down state. No evidence of previous buildings on the site.

Structure D
Adjoining C, roughly constructed modern walls on the west and south, footings of a previous building, 11mx4m are evident here, may well extend south to C. Lies on a N/S axis and borders an elongated channel area to the north.

“Channel” E
Elongated hollow channel 2m deep and 8m wide, appears to be man-made, runs NW to SE. To the north of C and D there is a semi-circular “bay” faced with stone walling, 1.5m high.

Structure F
Substantial dressed stone footings of a large rectangular building 18mx4.5m, lying on a NW/SE axis. Footings have been well constructed with squared facings internally and externally and squared corners, generally 0.2m high although south wall rises to a height of 0.6m. Doorway in the south end of the NE wall and also possibly at the north end. No evidence of internal walls although there are what appear to be regular stone settings 1mx0.5m, forming low platforms, in three of the corners.
Turf footings of an adjoining structure extend to the north, 6mx4.5m.
To the NE and associated with and only 2m distant from F there is a large rectangular hollow 1m deep and measuring 11mx6m the west edge is comprised of a squared stone facing

Structure G
Lies on a N/S axis and measures 12mx4m. Two compartments, the southern 5mx4m has rounded corners and substantial footings with an entrance in the west wall. The northern one, 7mx4m, appears to be a bit of a hybrid (?adapted), the west wall footings are constructed of dressed stone and are quite squared whereas the east wall is bowed, irregular and comprised of turf and rounded stones. There is no evidence of a north wall and the whole structure slopes down to the north. There is an entrance in the west wall.
To the east and on the downslope towards the river there is a fenced enclosure in which there is evidence of recent cultivation

Structure H
Ruined walls to various heights (0.2m-1m) of a rectangular, relatively recent building, lying on a N/S axis and measuring 19mx5m in total. Two compartments, southern one filled in with ?tumble and clearance stones. Northern compartment, 10mx5m, has a depression faced with stone edging in its northern half. Walls substantial and made of dressed stone, mortaring in places. Could be a doorway in the west wall and also in the internal wall.

Enclosure J
Adjoining structure H to the east and running downslope to the river (also adjoining/part of fenced enclosure mentioned previously), there are the stone footings, barely visible, of enclosing walls to the north and to the east, 19mx20m. The lower part forms a substantial terrace and is continuous with the cultivation terrace in the fenced enclosure, there is also evidence of smaller terraces 1.5mx1m

Enclosure K
Large enclosure, 18mx50m, a flat area in a depression on a NW/SE axis. Low turf and stone footings evident for most of the structure but absent at the NW corner.

Structure L
A corn-drying kiln and barn, 11mx4m, lies north of the previous enclosure on an E/W axis. The kiln is 4m in diameter and ?2m deep and is situated at the east end. Barn has substantial walls to a height of 0.5m, and with well rounded corners an entrance is in the north wall

Structure M
At the western edge of the settlement, this is the southernmost of two rectangular structures. It measures 14mx4m externally, long axis NNW/SSE and has well rounded corners. The wall footings are quite substantial, comprised of turf and undressed rounded stone - moss covered and measuring a metre wide and rising to 0.6m high in places. There is evidence of an entrance in the E wall but no evidence of internal walls.

Structure N
To the north of M, this rectangular structure on the same axis and measuring overall 14mx4m, has two compartments. The one to the south is 9mx4m and has substantial stone and turf footings 1m in breadth and rising to a height generally of 0.5m although the internal height of the south wall is 1m, there is an entrance in the centre of the east wall. The northern compartment is 5mx3m and its NW corner has been intruded upon by a recently constructed fence.

1. General view from north
2. General view from SW
3. Structures C & D also “bay” in E from N
4. Structure B from east
5. Structure M from SE
6. Structure N from NNW
7. Structure F from NW
8. Depression to east of F from SE
9. Corn-drying kiln from NW
10. Corn-drying kiln from ENE
11. Corn-drying kiln from ESE
12. Enclosure K from SE
13. Terraces in enclosure J
14. Structure H from NW
15. Structure G from N
16. Structure G form NNW – end of footing.
Recorded by M. Marshall Feb 2001

See Thumbnail photo - structure N from NNW. M Marshall, 02/01.

NN89NW 6 8440 9951

A township, comprising nine roofed buildings, one partially roofed, one unroofed building and three enclosures is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1872, sheet ciii). One roofed, one partially roofed building, two unroofed buildings and one enclosure are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1971).
Information from RCAHMS (AKK) 22 July 1996.

This township is situated on a flat moraine above the level of the river, but quite close to it. The extensive area of improved land on which it is centred is fenced off and grazed heavily by sheep. There appears to be two phases to the site - the structures to the east, nearer the river are relatively recent, whilst the group on the west side appear to be earlier.
Information supplied by M Marshall, 18/02/01.
See assoc. docs. File & Hlink.
J Aitken : 26/02/02.

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2008 12:00AM

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