Monument record MHG24930 - Baileguish


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Grid reference Centred NN 8239 9800 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NN89NW
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Full Description

NN 823985
Visited Friday 13th June 2003. Weather – overcast, threatening rain. This township situated in a broad open valley, at the angle where the Allt Chomraig and Allt Mor of Coire Fhearnasdail converge, has extensive areas of fertile improved land to the east. The settlement appears on Roys Military map of 1750 and also on Thomsons map of 1830 and on the 1st edition OS map of 1872, where it is marked as having three roofed buildings and an enclosure.

Structure A - NN 82279 98492
A small rectangular structure on the east spur of a knoll, on a north/south axis it measures internally 4m x 2.5m. Substantial wall footings are 1-1.5m in width and 0.5m in height. The structure is recessed into the hill on its west side and has a platform, 4m x 4m, adjacent to the east. Could be an entrance in the NE corner, rubbish and tumble internally.

Enclosure B - NN 82258 98508
Lies to the north of a knoll on a east/west axis, this enclosure measures roughly 40m x 20m. Defined by low linear earth banks, particularly evident in the west, north and south where it bounds the knoll, less evident in the east. Has lush grass and reeds growing internally.

Structure C - NN 82291 98527
Rectangular building on a north/south axis, internal measurements are 8m x 3m. Low linear earth banks have some stones and west wall is more evident than east, generally 1m in width, 0.2-0.3m in height.

Structure D - NN 82278 98545
Rectangular building on a north/south axis, internal measurements 10m x 3m. Low linear earth banks are 0.2m in height with some stonework. No evidence of north wall

Structure E - NN 82314 98530
Possible rectangular building on a north/south axis. Badly wasted and cut by a vehicle track. Internal dimensions 8m x 3m. North end has turf banks to a height of 0.2m and 1m width, south is more amorphous

Enclosure F - NN 82313 98548
Probable recent enclosure, surrounded on west and south by roughly constructed wall and on east by remains of the west wall of structure G. No evidence of a wall on the north side. Measures 14m x 14m

Structure G - NN 82320 98545
Rectangular building, possibly depicted as being roofed on 1st edition OS survey. It is on a NNE/SSW axis and measures internally 11m x 3m. Remains of west wall exist as well constructed stonework to height of 0.3m. No evidence of walls to east and north, the building is defined here more as a platform. NW and SW corners have nicely rounded stonework

Structure H - NN 82313 98560
Rectangular building on a north/south axis, internal measurements 11m x 3m. Defined by substantial linear earth banks, 1-1.5m in width and 0.5m in height with well defined rounded corners. West wall more substantial, east and north walls are “platformed” out. The ruts of a vehicle track cut the S end of the building. No evidence of an entrance.

Structure I - NN 82326 98571
Small square structure, appears as a depression, 0.2m deep, measures roughly 2.5m x 2.5m internally.

Building J
A well constructed roofed building in reasonable order. Roughly 12m x 5m externally

Structure K - NN 82332 98557
A rectangular building on a NE/SW axis, measuring 8m x 2.5m internally. Surrounding earthbanks are 1m in width and 0.2m in height, with well defined rounded corners.
Structure L - NN 82334 98544
Linear area/?Structure on same axis as K and to its SE. An area of amorphous humps. Measures 18 x 4m.

Structure M - NN 82373 98537
A complex unroofed building which has been much altered. Lies on an east/west axis, measures roughly 21m x 5m. Well constructed mortared walls to height of 2m. Gable at west end to 3m, has “slits” presumably for ventilation.

Structure N - NN 82385 98550
Abuts M and lies at right-angles. North part is 8m x 4m internally, and defined by remains of low stone walls to height of 0.4m, could be entrance in east wall. South part measures 10m x 5m, with walls to 2m.

Structure O - NN 82396 98549
Rectangular building on a north/south axis, measures internally 8m x 3.5m. Remains of low turf and stone walls to 0.2m and width of 1m. No evidence of north wall or of an entrance.

Enclosure P - NN 82366 98501
Trapezoidal enclosure to northeast of a knoll with rutted track crossing it. Measures roughly 22m (NW-SE) x 20 to 10m (NE-SW). Bounding walls of earth and stone are to a height of 0.3m and width of 1m.

Corn-drying Kiln Q - NN 82363 98461
On the west side of the crest of a “double” knoll. Lies on a NW/SE axis. The bowl in the north part has a diameter of 3m (upper part) and 1.5m lower part) and is 1m deep. West part of bowl has preserved and faced stonework. Barn to the south is 6m x 3m internally recessed into hillside 0.5m deep and has a depressed oval area in its northwest corner (adjacent to bowl)

1. General view from NE
2. General view from SE
3. Structure A from west
4. C from south (also D from south)
5. G from NNE (also E from south)
6. H from SSE
7. K from SW
8. L from SW (also I from SW)
9. N from SW
10. M from SW
11. O from NNE
12. Corn Drying Kiln from SE (also bowl from E)
M. Marshall - June 2003

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2008 12:00AM

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