Monument record MHG25177 - Cnoc na H-airde
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NC 7429 0540 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NC70NW |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Old County | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | ROGART |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
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NC70NW 37 7429 0540
NC70NW 37.01 NC 7417 0545 Hut-circles (ROG95 255-6, 260, 265-6, 268)
NC70NW 37.02 NC 7412 0544 Huts (ROG95 257-9, 267)
NC70NW 37.03 centred on NC 741 054 Small cairns; Banks; Rig (ROG95 943)
(A: NC 7417 0545) Undescribed feature.
OS 1:10,000 map, (1970)
Two adjacent hut circles (A and B, at NC 7417 0545 and NC 7415 0545 respectively) at the north-west foot of Cnoc na h-Airde, and an individual hut circle (C, at NC 7451 0517) on the lower south-east slopes of the same hill are linked by an associated field system. Huts B and C are newly located. The three huts are of similar build and are heather and turf-covered.
'A' measures 9.5 by 8.5m within a wall spread to 3.0m and up to 0.8m high; a possible entrance now blocked by tumble is in the SSW, the line of the main axis.
'B' measures 8.0 by 7.0m within a wall spread to 2.5m and up to 0.3m high; the entrance is in the S, the line of the main axis.
'C' measures 9.0m diameter inside a wall spread to 3.0m and up to 0.4m high; the entrance is in the SE.
Outside the hut in the E on a marginally lower level a well-defined arc of banking or heather-covered walling, 3.0m wide and, in the north, up to 0.8m high, indicates an adjoining enclosure or hut approximately 11.0 by 9.0m internally.
The field system comprises numerous stone clearance heaps, on average from 5.0 to 15.0m apart, along the flanks of Cnoc na h-Airde, with occasional traces of lynchets; no measurable plots are discernible. In the south and south-west early-modern strip cultivation has intruded; this is probably contemporary with structural remains published by OS at NC 7429 0539 and NC 7444 0521.
Revised at 1:10 000
Visited by OS (J M) 30 April 1981.
There is a scatter of structures and cultivation remains on the sides of Cnoc na h-Airde, a well-drained, rounded hillock to the ENE of Glenelg. The structures, comprising six hut-circles, five huts and a cairn (see NC 70NW 38), are situated on a broad terrace which runs around the NW, E and S sides of the hillock. The terrace is covered by a patchwork of heather, grass and bracken.
(ROG95 255-60, 267-8, 943)
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 9 May 1995
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Jan 28 2008 12:00AM
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