Monument record MHG25220 - Cuthill links


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Grid reference Centred NH 7449 8749 (20m by 20m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH78NW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish DORNOCH


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Fri 10 Mar 2000
NH78NW 25 745 875

See also NH78NE 29.

NH78NW 25.01 738 872 Flint Working Site
NH78NW 25.02 743 871 Midden; Stone Hammer; Arrowheads
NH78NW 25.03 7430 8705 Midden

Centred NH 745875. A Late Neolithic-Bronze Age land surface, yielding a heavy quartz flake industry and a little flint, is weathering out for several hundred metres along each side of road from Dornoch (NH7989) to Meikle Ferry (NH7287). Flint implements recovered comprise a leaf-shaped arrowhead, a broken barbed and tanged arrowhead and seven scrapers, while quartz industry included 150 utilised flakes and cores showing pronounced bulbs of percussion.
F Newall 1980.

This is a wind-blown area in a raised beach. No flint artifacts or flakes were noted. There are occasional patches where quartz fragments are thinly evident but nothing to suggest other than a natural constituent of the land surface.
Visited by OS (J M) 11 June 1981.

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Finds (7)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2008 12:00AM

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