Building record MHG25876 - Farmstead, Loans of Tullich
Grid reference | Centred NH 8572 7710 (51m by 53m) |
Map sheet | NH87NE |
Geographical Area | ROSS AND CROMARTY |
Old County | ROSS-SHIRE |
Civil Parish | FEARN |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
NH87NE 34.01 8572 7712
Tullich; 'A farm house with offices situated about 0.5 mile from Fearn'
Name Book 1872
This farmsteading is situated on N side of a track that leads through military camp at Loans of Tullich and adjacent to a later farmhouse. Built of stone and now roofed with corrugated iron, it has a small doocot built on to the gable-end of NE wing. Doocot is dated 1889, possibly having been added later than original construction of steading.
Evidence that steading has been re-used, probably during Second World War, was observed within structure. Its location within the military camp makes it highly likely that structure was possibly used for administration or officers' quarters, present day population in area could shed no light on wartime occupants. The internal arrangement of rooms has been drastically altered and there is extensive use of wooden-framed wall divisions and hardboard walls. In NE wing a standard war period fireplace has been installed.
The farm of Tullich is depicted roofed on 1st ed OS 6-inch map (Ross & Cromarty) 1881, sheet XLII and is shown with farmhouse immediately to S of steading, not to W as it is today.
Visited by RCAHMS (DE) May 1997
The U-shaped farm building is the only surviving building of a farmstead depicted on the first edition 25" OS map <1>, the farmhouse depicted immediately to the south of the steading on the second edition 25" OS map <2> is no longer extant. The eastern range is no longer roofed; the central and western range retain a corrugated iron roof. The SE gable wall of the east range contains the simple 3-holed doocot with a date stone of "1869" directly above. It looks as though the doocot may post-date the main steading. The building was utilised by the armed forces when Loans of Tullich operated as a military camp in the Second World War. The building had been altered for purpose as highlighted by the RCAHMS (above). In addition, standard 3x2 military metal window frames were added <3>.
Sources/Archives (4)
- --- SHG3364 Text/Publication/Volume: Name Book (County). Object Name Books of the Ordnance Survey. Book No. 32, 196.
- <1> SHG23422 Image/Map: Ordnance Survey. 1871-76. Ordnance Survey 1st edition 25 inch map: Ross-shire. Digital.
- <2> SHG23423 Image/Map: Ordnance Survey. 1904. Ordnance Survey 2nd edition 25 inch map: Ross-shire. Digital.
- <3> SHG23286 Verbal Communication: Puls, A. Comment by Andrew Puls, HC Archaeologist.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Aug 26 2008 4:29PM
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