Monument record MHG26204 - Ruighe Chreagain


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Grid reference Centred NH 7905 0745 (10m by 10m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH70NE
Civil Parish ALVIE


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Fri 10 Mar 2000
NH70NE 1 7906 0746

What may be two unroofed shieling-huts are depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1872, sheet lxxii). Five unroofed buildings which may be shieling-huts are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1971).
Information from RCAHMS (AKK) 8 July 1996.

The site was visited by members of NoSAS on 20/02/2014. Four kilometres northwest of Kincraig, at an altitude of 450m, this group of shielings, which comprises 17 structures, is on both sides of the Allt Coire Chleirich in a relatively sheltered southeast facing hollow. The footings of nine rectangular buildings and two circular structures are seen in light heather on the north bank of the burn. Four of the six structures on the south bank have been marginally truncated by the burn, some more than others. Many of the structures are of turf and stone, upstanding to a height of between 0.4m and 0.7m and with rounded corners. At least 5 measure roughly 5m x 2m internally, have an outshot c1.2m x 1.2m at the south corner and a possible entrance at the east corner. Other structures are square or rectangular and more degraded. Heather surrounds the shielings but to the northwest on the 500m contour there is an expanse of much more grassy terrain. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Correspondence: Marshall, M.. 2014. Email regarding shielings at Ruighe Chreagain, Kincraig (MHG26204) and Coire Chleirich. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Yes. Digital.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

May 11 2015 11:34AM

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