Monument record MHG2718 - Field System, Migovie


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Grid reference Centred NH 5416 1880 (72m by 52m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH51NW
Geographical Area INVERNESS


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

A group of stone-walled huts ('A' to 'C') with a few stone clearance heaps and well-defined lynchets to the E probably from contemporary cultivation plots.
Hut 'A' measures overall 19.0m E-W by 17.5m N-S with a well-preserved outer wall face of stones on edge, but no inner face visible. The wall is spread to 2.0m in the W. Elsewhere it is masked by the insertion, eccentrically, into the hut of another later circular hut measuring 11.0m between the centres of a wall spread to 2.5m all round. The entrance in the E corresponds to the position of the entrance in the earlier hut. A tree occupies the centre of the huts.
'B', immediately N, is visible as a platform 12.5m in diameter edged by the remains of a wall with a well- preserved inner face in the S arc. A tree has destroyed the entrance in the E.
'C' 50 metres to the E, is oval measuring 18.0m E-W by 15.0m N-S overall with the interior and the entrance in the E mutilated. The wall is four metres wide in the S arc. Outside and apparently attached to the W arc is an oval annexe visible as a platform measuring 10.0m NW-SE by 6.0m NE-SW edged by traces of a wall. The entrance is in the SE.
Surveyed at 1/2500
Visited by OS (A A) 2 July 1973

It is possible that hut 'A' is a single structure. If so, it bears a striking resemblance to the Dalrulzion house of E Perthshire.
Visited by OS (A A) 14 Feburary 1974

(NH 541 188) Settlement (NR)
OS 25"map, (1975)

The settlement is generally as described by the previous investigator, Hut 'A' strongly resembling a Dalrulzion round-house. The wall of hut 'B' is spread to 1.5m wide with an average height of 0.5m. The cultivation pattern is confused. Early modern cultivation has occurred in the area, exemplified by the vaguest traces of rig-and-furrow to the north of hut 'C'.
Visited by OS (J B) 17 May 1979

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Record last edited

May 23 2016 1:17PM

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