Monument record MHG29492 - Saw mill and associated structures, Ardochy
Grid reference | Centred NH 2161 0230 (27m by 18m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH20SW |
Civil Parish | KILMONIVAIG |
Geographical Area | LOCHABER |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
The remains of two structures, are situated in a clearing-site.
This site may relate to the building of the road from Invergarry to Kinloch Hourn in the 1st decade of the last century.
Site visit : 01/17/00. NOSAS are to survey the area?.
See assoc. docs. File.
J Aitken : 25/01/01.
Hector Rogers submitted further information about this site in October 2011, including a rough sketch plan, a scale plan and before & after photos. The local anecdotal evidence is that this was the site of itinerant sawyers who brought their own steam engine. It is believed the site was operating at some time between 1910 and 1920 or thereabouts.
The saw bench was set up between structures 'A' and 'B'.
Structures 'D' and 'E' are thought to be associated with accommodation and heating as there was a metal pipe protruding from 'E' and another lying on the ground beside (see rough sketch). According to the local informant, the late Alastair Grant of Faichemard, the saw mill produced railway sleepers.
Structure ‘C’ and the revetted platform are believed to pre-date the saw mill and to be associated with Ardochy lodge which was built in the 1850s by the Ellice family. It is reputed that Mrs. Ellice used to drive about in a pony and trap or dog cart. The paths are wide enough. (See OS 2nd Ed map.)
The find is a fitment from the shaft of a horse drawn cart, the ‘hook’ would have been the other way i.e. upwards and there would have been a pair to it in the other shaft. It was found under stones near ‘E’ and had been slightly scorched. <1>
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Record last edited
Nov 15 2011 5:02PM
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