Monument record MHG30966 - Fyvie, 10 High Street, Rosemarkie


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Grid reference Centred NH 7365 5756 (9m by 10m)
Map sheet NH75NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY


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Full Description

The cottage is a simple range running along the frontage, the extension to rear (to form L) is no longer there. But the fireplace is still visible in the adj wall to the post office. Likely therefore that this cottage altered about the time this was built c1840, see photo. Frontage of the cottage shows that lower courses are of different material/build to the upper portions which are of similar sandstone to the PO next door. - HAW 03/2005

Ms Seright reports that this is the last unrenovated house remaining on the High St - HAW 02/2005

J Duncan reports that there is timber framing surviving within this house (infill now gone) two walls that fornm cross passage from front door to rear - HAW 02/2005

There is currently an application to renovate and extend No 10, the next door property which is listed and currently derelict. It is a terraced property with a long back garden which borders directly on the ancient Rosemarkie graveyard (as with my property). The previous owner who has passed away informed me that the house was purchased by her grandfather at beginning of 20th c. No work of any note appears been undertaken since then on the house or garden. Both No 8 and 10 are of the same dimension and were probably built or renovated around the mid nineteenth century. There is little doubt however that there have been structures on the same site on the High Street for many hundreds of years – possibly since mediaeval times.
I am currently excavating a trench outside the back of my house in advance of a small extension being built and have come across foundation walls and pottery and glass dating back to about 1740 below an extensive cobbled (beach) surface. Once I have finished recording, I will be investigating deeper to establish if there is earlier archaeology. There is a circular depression further down my garden bordering on to No10s garden which I suspect could be an old well and I intend to investigate soon.
There has been some disturbance outside the back of my house unlike No 10 where the garden area outside the back of the house appears relatively undisturbed and could reveal significant evidence of much earlier settlement. The planned extension to No 10 will require a large trench at least 5x5 metres at the back of the house. Inside the house, there are plans to excavate and lower the current floor surface due to the lowness of the ceilings. - SMR notification 02/2005

NH75NW 25 7365 5757.
Formerly included under NH 75 NW 26. NH 75NW was formerly wrongly assigned to nos 12 and 14 High Street-now NH 75 NW 253

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Record last edited

Aug 31 2009 4:07PM

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