Monument record MHG31375 - Burial ground - St. Barevan's Church, Kirkton of Barevan
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NH 8368 4725 (52m by 60m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH84NW |
Old County | NAIRNSHIRE |
Civil Parish | CAWDOR |
Geographical Area | NAIRN |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
NH84NW 6 8368 4725.
St Barevan's Church (NR) (In Ruins) Holy Water Fonts (NAT) (NH 8368 4726) Stone Coffin (NAT)
OS 6"map, Nairnshire, 2nd ed., (1906)
Parish church of Barevan or Cawdor until it was superseded 1619. (See NH84NW 4 for later church)
The ruin is EC14th. In 1937 the side walls stood to a height of 11 to 12ft, but the gables were reduced to foundations. The piscina niche near east end still contained its double bowl (i.e. the published 'Holy Water Fonts'). Simpson (1937) makes no mention of annexe on SW corner, which is shown on OS 6"map, Nairnshire, 1st ed., (1869) and is noted by OS Reviser in 1955. Watson (1926) derives the name 'Barr Eibhinn' from Aibind, who was active between 500 and 550 AD. This Celtic origin is apparently confirmed by Celtic bell, said to have belonged to church, which is preserved at Cawdor Castle. The churchyard contains, S and SW of church, some late mediaeval grave-slabs, and, to N of church, a mediaeval stone coffin. There are also at least a dozen cup-marked grave-slabs in the churchyard.
W D Simpson 1937; W J Watson 1926; W Jolly 1882; OS reviser D Wainwright 15 September 1955.
St Barevan's Church, measuring 21.6m E to W by 6.2m transversely internally, with walls 0.8m thick, the graveyard and its contents, are as described above, except that no trace remains of the cup-marked grave-slabs, nor could their present whereabouts be ascertained. The annexe on the SW corner of the church is a fairly modern burial place. Visited by OS (N K B) 22 November 1965.
Of special interest as the architectural detail associates it with the hall-house at Rait (NH85SE 10).
J G Dunbar 1966.
The old church and burial ground were listed at Category B in 1971
The old church and burial ground were scheduled in 1971
Awaiting DES entry 98/036.
A survey of the gravestones was carried out by S Farrell in 2003. <1>
It was proposed that the old church and burial ground be removed from the statutory list in September 2016 as part of a Historic Environment Scotland project looking at dual designations of sites in the Highlands, though they would remain a scheduled monument. <2>
The old church and burial ground were removed from the statutory list by Historic Environment Scotland on 22/09/2016. <3>
See also:
NH84NW0006 Church & Cup marks
Sources/Archives (12)
- --- SHG1317 Text/Publication/Article: Jolly, W. 1882. On cup-marked stones in the neighbourhood of Inverness; with an appendix on cup-marked stones in the Western Islands. Proc Soc Antiq Scot Volume 16. 300-401. 361-9.
- --- SHG1385 Text/Publication/Article: Simpson, W D. 1937. 'Rait Castle and Barevan Church, Nairnshire', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 71 1936-7, p.98-115. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 98-115. 111-15; plan fig. 9.
- --- SHG1677 Text/Publication/Article: Bourke, C. 1984. 'The hand-bells of the early Scottish church', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 113 1983, p.464-8. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 464-8. 466, 467.
- --- SHG2147 Text/Publication/Volume: Dunbar, J G. 1966. The historic architecture of Scotland. 156.
- --- SHG2182 Text/Report: Farrell S. 2003. Barevan Churchyard, A Survey of its Memorials. .
- --- SHG2414 Text/Publication/Volume: Leonella Longmore. 2000. Land of Churches.
- --- SHG24360 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council Archaeology Unit. HCAU Slide Collection Sheet 11. Colour slide. . Digital (scanned). 213.
- --- SHG2672 Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1978. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. The archaeological sites and monuments of Nairn District, Highland Region. . 17, No. 127.
- --- SHG2918 Text/Publication/Volume: Watson, W J. 1926. The history of the Celtic place-names of Scotland: being the Rhind lectures on archaeology (expanded) delivered in 1916. 271.
- <1> SHG21986 Text/Report: Farrell S. Barevan Church, A survey of its Memorials. . .
- <2> SHG27476 Text/Designation Notification/List of Buildings: Historic Environment Scotland. 2016. Assessment for Dual designations Project: Bareven Church Kirkton of Bareven. Historic Environment Scotland. 30/08/2016. Digital.
- <3> SHG27480 Text/Designation Notification/List of Buildings: Jackson, L.. 2016. Notification of de-listing of ecclesiastical sites: Dual Designations Project. Historic Environment Scotland. 30/09/2016. Digital.
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Record last edited
May 16 2017 3:55PM
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