Monument record MHG3258 - Hut Circle Settlement and Associated Field System, Loch Mhor
Grid reference | Centred NH 5236 1799 (279m by 220m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH51NW |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
No change to previous field report.
Visited by OS (J M) 21 February 1979
(NH 523 180) Settlement (NR) (Four hut circles A-D)
OS 1/10,000 map, (1974)
Centred at NH 523 180 is a settlement of four stone-walled huts (A-D) near the NE edge of several acres of rig and furrow cultivation, contemporary with a depop. hamlet (with corn drying kiln) at NH 5241 1795 (NH51NW 23). Amongst this cultivation are several probably contemporary walls, and clearance heaps of bare stones, but several overgrown clearance heaps, and one or two lynchets, are more likely to be from earlier fields, masked by the rig and furrow, and contemporary with the huts. Hut 'A' measures 13.5m between the centres of an ill-defined wall showing one or two outer facing stones. The N side of the entrance in the E is flanked by two boulders.
'B' is similar to 'A' but the SE arc is mutilated, and the entrance is not evident.
'C' survives as a platform measuring c. 12.5m in diameter edged by traces of a robbed wall.
'D' is oval and measures 15.0m NW-SE by 11.5 NE-SW with the well-preserved wall spread to 3.5m. The entrance is in the E.
Surveyed at 1:10560
Visited by OS (I M T) 28 June 1973
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Record last edited
May 23 2016 1:28PM
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