Monument record MHG3304 - Cragganvallie
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NH 5320 3740 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH53NW |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
NH53NW 4 532 374.
('A' NH 5318 3746) ) Hut Circles (NR) ('B' NH 5322 3747) ) ('C' NH 5333 3755) Hut Circle (NR)
Visited by OS (R L) 28 August 1969
A settlement of three stone-walled huts, 'A' and 'B' situated in an exposed position on the SW shoulder of a rocky ridge and 'C' in a sheltered position at the E base of the ridge.(Visited by OS (N K B)
10 December 1964)
Hut 'A', well preserved, is oval measuring overall 13.2m E to W by 12.0m transversely. The outer wall face is well defined, the inner face can only be seen in the NW. The wall varies from c. 1.5m thick at the rear to c. 2.3m at the 'clubbed' entrance in the W which is flanked on the N by a line of three stones only one earthfast, in the S by one stone indicating a splay from c. 1.4m inside to c. 3.0m outside.
'B' is circular with occasional outer facing stones evident giving an overall diameter of 13.5m with the wall varying from c. 1.5m at the rear to c. 2.5m at the mutilated 'clubbed' entrance in the ESE. Built against the interior of the S arc is a later, small rectangular structure.
'C' is oval, oriented NNW to ESE, with occasional outer facing stones evident giving overall measurements 12.2m by 11.5m. The wall is spread to c. 1.5m at the rear widening to c. 2.5m at the 'clubbed' entrance in the ESE, whose S side indicates that it is splayed. The N side is overlaid by a ruined wall which continues to overlie the N arc of the hut. This wall is one of a complex of later ruined walls in the area. Centred at NH 533 376 are about six stone clearance heaps, possibly from contemporary cultivation plots.
Visited by OS (R D) 28 August 1964
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Record last edited
Jan 28 2008 12:00AM
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