Monument record MHG3357 - Hut Circle Settlement and Associated Field System, Garbeg N


Hut circle settlement and associated field system comprised of stone clearance cairns, lynchets and field walls.


Grid reference Centred NH 5044 3235 (1217m by 1076m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH53SW
Geographical Area INVERNESS
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Full Description

The W part of an extensive prehistoric settlement of hut-circles and associated field-systems was noted during an archaeological assessment of Coul na Kirk by J Wordsworth. Within the area inspected, seven hut-circles (corresponding to OS hut-circles N, O, R, S, T, U and V) lie amongst an extensive spread of small cairns. Occasional dykes may mark later cultivation, possibly connected with 18th to 19th century agricultural improvements.
J Wordsworth 1995; NMRS MS 961/8, no.4

Centred at NH 502 323 is a settlement of 21 huts (A - V) with field system.
Except for 'G', 'M', 'Q', 'R' and 'U', each hut is formed by a stone wall spread to a regular width all round. Apart from 'G' the hut dimensions are given between wall centres. Huts 'A', 'B' and 'C' are unusual, being sub- rectangular, with bowed sides and rounded ends.
Hut 'A' measures c. 14.0m NW-SE by c. 8.0m, with the wall spread to c. 2.5m. There is a suggestion of a cross-wall 4.5m from the SE end which is flattened. The 'simple' entrance, c. 0.7m wide, is in the SE.
'B' is oriented the same way as 'A', and is the same size with a 'simple' entrance c. 0.7m wide in the SE. Two field walls join the N arc and a track clips the NW arc.
'C', set into a W-facing slope, measures c. 16.5m N-S by c. 7.0m, with the wall spread to c. 2.5m. The 'simple' entrance, c. 1.0m wide, is in the S. See enlargement.
These three huts are in the same state of preservation as the others in the settlement and the pattern of cultivation associated with them is the same.
'D' is oval, measuring c. 12.0m N-S by c. 9.0m, with the wall spread to c. 3.0m. The 'simple' entrance, c. 1.2m wide, in the S, is flanked on the E side by a stone.
'E' is circular, measuring c. 11.0m in diameter with the wall spread to c. 2.5m. The 'simple' entrance, c. 1.3m wide, is in the S.
'F' is oval, measuring c. 12.0m from the NNW through the 'simple' entrance, c. 0.7m wide, in the SSE by c. 9.0m, with the wall spread to c. 3.0m.
'G', set into a SE-facing slope, is visible as an oval platform measuring c. 9.5m N-S by c. 7.5m, with traces of walling round the rim. There is no evidence of of an entrance. A lynchet joins the S arc.
'H', set into a SE-facing slope, is oval measuring c. 12.5m NW-SE by c. 9.5m, with the wall spread to c. 3.0m. The 'simple' entrance, c. 1.2m wide, is in the SE.
'J' is oval measuring c. 12.0m NW-SE by c. 10.0m, with the wall spread to c. 2.5m. The 'simple' entrance, c. 1.2m wide, is in the SE.
'K' is oval measuring c. 9.0m NW-SE by c. 7.0m, with the wall spread to c. 3.0m. Two outer facing stones can be seen round the SE arc. The 'simple' entrance, c. 1.0m wide, is in the SE.
'L' is oval measuring c. 10.0m NW-SW by c. 7.5m, with the wall spread to c. 2.0m. The entrance is not apparent.
'M', set into a SE-facing slope, is oval and is mutilated, measuring c. 12.0m N-S by c. 10.0m with the wall spread to an indefinite width. There is no evidence of an entrance.
'N' is oval measuring c. 11.0m NW-SE by c. 9.5m with the wall spread to c. 2.5m. An earth-fast boulder is incorporated in the SE arc. The 'simple' entrance, c. 1.0m wide, is in the SE.
'O' is circular, measuring c. 11.0m in diameter. The wall of bare rubble stones is spread to c. 3.5m all round and stands to a height of c. 0.7m. No wall faces are evident. The entrance, in the ESE, is partly obscured by tumble.
'P' is circular, measuring c. 12.0m in diameter with the wall spread to c. 3.0m. The 'simple' entrance, c. 1.0m wide, is in the SE.
'Q' is circular, measuring c. 8.5m in diameter. The wall is denuded, of indeterminate thickness, and the entrance is not apparent.
'R', set on the edge of a slope, is circular measur- ing c. 12.0m in diameter. The wall is spread to c. 5.0m at the SW side of the entrance, but this is probably due to build-up, and c. 3.0m elsewhere. The entrance, in the ESE, is splayed from c. 1.0m inside to c. 2.8m outside. 'S', set into a S-facing slope, is oval measuring c. 11.5m NW-SE by c. 9.5m with the wall spread to c. 3.0m. The 'simple' entrance, which is ill-defined, is in the SE.
'T' is oval and is the same size as 'S', but the wall is spread to c. 2.5m. It is mutilated by a track crossing it from E-W and the entrance is not evident.
'U' is circular, measuring c. 10.0m in diameter. The wall is denuded, of indeterminate width, and the entrance is not apparent.
'V' is oval measuring c. 11.5m N-S by c. 9.5m with the wall spread to c. 3.0m. The entrance is not apparent.
The alleged hut circle (Visible on RAF air photograph CPE/Scot/UK 296: 3121-2, flown 1947) at NH 5040 3241 is a group of stone clearance heaps. The field system is defined by stone clearance heaps, lynchets, and the occasional field wall, with plots varying from about 20m x 15m to 45m x 40m.
Surveyed at 1:10,000.
Visited by OS (R L) 27 Feburary 1970

Hut circle.
Visible on RAF air photographs CPE/Scot/UK 296: 3121-2, Flown 1947.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • --- Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .
  • --- Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .
  • --- Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .

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Record last edited

May 19 2016 1:21PM

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