Monument record MHG3361 - Garbeg
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NH 5110 3227 (106m by 161m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH53SW |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Drumnadrochit & Fort Augustus Local Plan, Oct. 1991: P13/2.39. Ancient Mons & Archyl. Sites.
J Aitken : 24/05/01.
Class I symbol stone showing a crescent and V-rod with ? an elephant's antenna.
A.Mack 1997 p.110
The centre of cairn 'H' was dug into and a fragment of sandstone slab bearing part of a crescent and V-rod incised symbol (now in Inverness Museum) was identified immediately under the turf in the centre. Subsequently the cairn was subject to an excavation by Wedderburn, proving the ditch to be circular.
Wedderburn (L Wedderburn, Inverness Museum) has also partially excavated cairn 'J'. This has proved to be square. At each corner is a small upright boulder. The four sides are marked by shallow ditches all stopping short of the corner stones. Centrally placed in the interior is a rectangular area delineated by contiguous stones, apparently formerly on edge, c. 6' x 3', with the centre filled with rubble stones. There are possibly indications of a ditch joining the NE corner with cairn 'H', but this has not yet been proved. Wedderburn asserts that there are more cairns in this group but although there are one or two suspicious humps in the vicinity of the 17 already recorded, the only other one that can be definitely identified is in isolation, 82.0m N of hut circle 'B'. This appears as a stony mound 3.5m in diameter and 0.4m high, placed centrally on a circular platform 0.1m high, surrounded by a slight ditch 7.8m in diameter between its centres. The WSW arc has been destroyed by a track which cuts through it. There is no associated enclosure wall as stated by Wedderburn. The walls he refers to are part of a pattern of field walls apparently contemporary with the field system, and the enclosure formed by these walls in which the group of cairns occurs measures c. 250.0m NE-SW by 120.0m NW-SE.
There is no evidence to indicate that the remains of the agriculture (denoted by stone clearance heaps) within this enclosure is contemporary with the cairns.
Visited by OS (A A) 1 November 1974
Centred at NH 5110 3222 is a group of seventeen heather-covered cairns, each surrounded by a circular ditch. They are inconspicuously placed on the edge of a field system (NH53SW 11) on ground which, because of its rough appearance, seems not to have been cultivated. A hut circle ('B' of NH53SW 11) occurs on the W edge of the group.
With the exception of 'A' the cairns vary in diameter between 7.4m and 4.0m between the centres of the ditches, and between 0.5m and 0.8m in height and are generally flat-topped. The ditch of 'B' is 0.9m wide and 0.3m deep and in all the others is 0.6m wide and 0.3m deep. 'A', the largest, is only 0.2m high and measures 8.5m in diameter between the centres of a ditch which is interrupted by a causeway, c.2.0m wide, in the SE. 'E', 'F' and 'G' are mutilated. Joining the SW arc of 'C' is a ditch of the same dimen- sions enclosing a level area c.4.5m square, and joining the SW arc of 'D' is a similar ditch enclosing a sub- rectangular area measuring about 12.0m by c.5.0m with a dividing cross-ditch. Their purpose is uncertain but they appear to be contemporary with the cairns. Enlargement at 1/500 scale.
Survey at 1/10,000 scale.
Visited by OS (R L) 25 Feburary 1970
Sources/Archives (15)
- --- SHG10199 Image/Photograph(s): Cairn Cemetery, Garbeg, Drumnadrochit. Colour Slide. .
- --- SHG10328 Image/Photograph(s): Drumnadrochit, Garbeg, Pictish cemetery, site plan. Colour Slide. .
- --- SHG1100 Text/Publication/Article: Webster, L E. 1975. 'Medieval Britain in 1974. I. Pre-Conquest', Medieval Archaeol Vol. 19 1975, p.220-232. Medieval Archaeol. 220-232. 231.
- --- SHG11517 Image/Photograph(s): Pictish Cemetery, Garbeg, Drumnadrochit.. Colour Slide. .
- --- SHG1348 Text/Publication/Article: Alcock, E A. 1991. 'Pictish stones class I: where and how?', Glasgow Archaeol J Vol. 15 1988-89, p.1-21. Glasgow Archaeol J. 1-21. 19.
- --- SHG1395 Text/Publication/Article: Alcock and Alcock, L and E A. 1993. ''Reconnaissance excavations on Early Historic fortifications and other royal sites in Scotland, 1974-84; A, Excavations and other fieldwork at Forteviot, Perthshire, 1981; B, Excavations at Urquhart Castle, Inverness-shire, 1983; C, Excavations at Dunnot. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 215-87. 263.
- --- SHG2357 Text/Publication/Volume: Jackson, A. 1984. The symbol stones of Scotland: a social anthropological resolution to the problem of the Picts.
- --- SHG2456 Text/Publication/Volume: Mack, A. 1997. Field guide to the Pictish symbol stones. 110.
- --- SHG2712 Text/Publication/Volume: Ritchie, J N G. 1985. Pictish symbol stones: a handlist 1985.
- --- SHG2923 Text/Report: Wedderburn and Grime, L M M and D M. 1974. A Cairn Cemetery at Garbeg, Drumnadrochit. Preliminary Report. .
- --- SHG3155 Text/Publication/Article: Wedderburn and Grime, L M M and D M. 1984. The cairn cemetery at Garbeg, Drumnadrochit, Brit Archaeol Rep Vol. 125. SHG23462. 151-68. 151-68.
- --- SHG6655 Image/Photograph(s): Cairn Cemetery, Garbeg, Drumnadrochit. Unknown. .
- --- SHG7138 Image/Photograph(s): Pictish cemetery, garbeg, Drumnadrochit, plan,. Unknown. .
- --- SHG833 Text/Publication/Article: Stevenson, J B. 1984. 'Garbeg and Whitebridge: two square-barrow cemeteries in Inverness-shire' in Friell, J G P and Watson, W G (eds.) 1984, British Archaeological Reports, Volume 125. 145-50. 145-50.
- --- SHG8492 Image/Photograph(s): Drumnadrochit, Garbeg, Pictish cemetery, site plan. Unknown. .
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Record last edited
May 19 2016 1:33PM
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