Monument record MHG3362 - Garbeg


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Grid reference Centred NH 5138 3220 (224m by 348m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH53SW
Geographical Area INVERNESS


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Full Description

NH53SW 14 5138 3214.

Centred at NH 5138 3214, is a settlement of seven huts ('A' to 'G') with field system.
This settlement is separated from NH 53 SW 11 by a wet gully and from NH 53 SW 10 by a rocky ridge. An association with them however is suggested by an extensive ruined wall following an irregular course which crosses the gully from NH 53 SW 11, skirts the N side of the settlement and continues to cross NH 53 SW 10 to the NE of hut 'D'. It is joined occasionally by walls associated with these settlements. These are undoubtedly the irregular lines of stones described by Grant.
Huts 'A' to 'E' are situated on a SW-facing-and 'F' and 'G' are on a shelf in a N-facing slope. Each hut, apart from 'B', is formed by a spread stone wall and the hut dimensions, except for 'B', are given between wall centres.
Hut 'A' is oval measuring c. 12.0m NW to SE by c.10.0m transversely, with the wall spread to c. 2.5m all round. The 'simple' entrance, in the SE, is c. 1.5m wide. About 6.0m from the W side of the hut is an arc of five contiguous boulders.
'B' is visible as a circular platform set into the slope and measuring c. 8.0m in diameter. It is bounded on the SW side by a considerable build up surmounted by traces of walling and in the NE by a back scarp. The 'simple' entrance, c. 1.5m wide, in the SE is in the break between the excavated and built up areas of the platform and is flanked on the S side by a prostrate slab.
'C' is circular measuring c. 14.0m in diameter with the wall spread to c. 2.5m on the upper NE arc, where there are two inner facing stones, widening to c. 3.5m on the lower SW arc. The 'simple' entrance in the ESE, at the change of slope, is c. 2.0m wide.
'D', built up on the slope, is circular measuring c. 10.5m in diameter. The wall is of indefinite width. The entrance is not apparent - the SE arc is mutilated.
'E', set into the slope, is oval measuring c. 12.0m from the NW through the 'simple' entrance, c. 1.5m wide in the SE, by c. 10.0m transversely. The wall is of indefinite width.
'F' is oval measuring c. 14.0m NW to SE by c. 12.0m transversely. The NW arc is almost destroyed and the wall is spread to c. 3.0m elsewhere. The entrance is not apparent.
'G' is oval measuring c. 12.0m from the W through the 'simple' entrance, c. 1.0m wide in the E, by c. 10.0m transversely with the wall spread to c. 3.0m all round.
The field system is defined by stone clearance heaps, lynchets and walls forming fields averaging about 30m by 20m.
Surveyed at 1/10,000.
Visited by OS (R L) 25 Feburary 1970

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Record last edited

May 19 2016 1:40PM

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