Monument record MHG3371 - Benlie


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Grid reference Centred NH 5569 3384 (524m by 418m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH53SE
Geographical Area INVERNESS
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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

Centred at NH 556 338 is a settlement of seven stone-walled huts (A to G) within a contemporary field system.
"A" and "B" are oval, the others circular. The huts vary between platforms built up on a steep slope, and simple rings placed on the flat. The walls are generally poorly preserved, except in "A" which is spread to 2.5m.
All diameters are given between wall centres.
"A" measures 11.5m NNW-SSE by 9.5m, with an entrance gap in the SSE. "B", adjacent to "A", measures 9.5m NNW-SSE by 8.0m. The S arc has been destroyed by the construction of hut "A".
"C" is 8.5m in diameter. The E half is destroyed and the entrance not evident.
"D" is 9.5m in diameter with no entrance evident. The NE arc is heavily silted up by soil creep.
"E" is 10.0m in diameter with an ill-defined entrance on the SSE.
"F" is 9.5m in diameter with an entrance in the SSE.
"G" is visible as a hollow 10.5m in diameter with an ill-defined entrance in the W.
Thirty metres NW of "B" are the footings of a sub-rectangular building in the same poor state of preservation as most of the huts. It measures 7.5m E-W by 3.0m between the centres of a wall spread to 2.5m. Not quite central to the S wall is a rubble choked entrance gap. The gables are rounded. Twenty metres NW of "F" is a circular construction of uncertain classification. It is visible as a hollowed mound 5.0m overall with its E half mutilated. The W half is edged by a kerb of stones on edge. It does not seem to be a cairn.
The field system is marked by stone clearance heaps, lynchets and occasional ruinous walls. Two fields measured 30.0m x 15.0m and 15.0m x 10.0m. In the E part of the system is a comparatively recent rectangular enclosure 15.0m x 7.0m.
Settlement surveyed at 1/10,000.
Visited by OS (A A) 19 July 1973

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Record last edited

May 18 2016 2:51PM

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