Monument record MHG3393 - Milton of Brin


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Grid reference Centred NH 7558 1234 (19461m by 31279m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH71SE
Geographical Area INVERNESS


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NH62NE 4 660 277.

Centred at NH 660 277 on an E-facing hillside, is a settlement of three stone-walled huts (A-C) each built up on the slope, within a field system.
Hut'A' is circular and measures c. 10.0m in diameter between the centres of a wall spread to c. 2.5m all round. Outer facing stones set on edge are visible in the E and N sides. In the E arc is a mutilated entrance. Within the hut and overlaying the wall to the S of the entrance is a stone clearance heap, c. 4.5m in diameter, which is similar to others in the vicinity.
'B' is circular and measures 12.0m in diameter between the centres of a denuded wall spread to an indefinite width. Outer facing stones can be seen in the S and E arcs and in the E the wall appears to have incorporated a boulder set up on edge, which has since tumbled outwards. In the E arc is a mutilated gap, c. 2.0m wide marking the entrance.
'C' is oval and measures c. 11.0m ENE-WSW by c. 9.5m transversely between the centres of a denuded wall of indeterminate thickness. On either side of the mutilated entrance, c. 2.0m wide, in the ENE arc, the wall is overlaid by two mounds, probably clearance heaps.
The field system is comprised of stone clearance heaps, lynchets and occasional ruined field walls, defining cultivation plots varying in size between c. 4.0m by c. 20.0m and c. 12.0m by c. 12.0m.
Visited by OS (N K B) 26 March 1970.

Another hut 'D' is visible as a level platform surrounded by an ill-defined wall measuring c. 10.5m in diameter between its centres. The entrance is not evident.
Huts A - D surveyed at 1/2500.
Visited by OS (A A) 1 December 1971.

There are three hut-circles and a field-system, composed of cairns and banks, disposed along the crest and SE side of a spur on the NE flank of Carn Mor. The hut-circle previously recorded as 'C' appears to be a slightly flattened natural mound. All three hut-circles are heather-covered and levelled into the slope.
The northernmost hut-circle (USN93 13) lies to the SW and measures 9m
in diameter within a bank spread to 1.5m in thickness and 0.3m in height. The entrance may have been on the E, and there is a stony mound probably a clearance heap, within the SE quadrant of the interior.
The second hut-circle (USN93 14) lies to the SW and measures
9.5m in diameter within a bank spread to 1.5m in thickness and 0.3m in height.
The southernmost hut-circle (USN93 15) measures 9.5m in diameter within a bank spread to 1.9m in thickness and 0.3m in height. The entrance may have been on the S.
There is a scatter of small cairns, measuring up to 5m in diameter and 0.4m in height, along the crest and sides of the spur. There are short stretches of banks interspersed among the cairns; none them form plots and they may be linear clearance heaps. There is also a bank which runs for about 100m across the contour to the E from hut-circle USN93 14. (USN93 13-15).
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 6 October 1992.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Settlement and field system.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
  • --- Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

May 20 2016 1:59PM

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