Monument record MHG34272 - Chain Home radar station, Tannach
Grid reference | Centred ND 32028 46842 (574m by 649m) (Centred) |
Map sheet | ND34NW |
Old County | CAITHNESS |
Civil Parish | WICK |
Geographical Area | CAITHNESS |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
ND34NW 36.00 centred 3190 4662
ND34NW 36.01 centred ND 3265 4795 Buildings; Engine House (remote reserve)
ND34NW 36.02 centred ND 3250 4534 Military Camp
ND 3190 4677 and ND 3207 4696. Chain Home Low and Chain Home radar stations with an accommodation camp, are situated to the SW of Tannach Mains farm. The transmitter/receiver blocks are at ND 3190 4677 and ND 3207 4662 (transmitter block only).
Information from Mr I Brown, November 1998
This Chain Home radar station is situated on the W side of the road between Gansclet and Haster at a point some 600m E of Tannach farmsteading. The radar station consists of several buildings, including the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) blocks with the power house (set-house) and several smaller buildings survive to the W of the road. <1>
J Guy 2000; NMRS MS 810.10, Vol.1, 26, Vol.3, 15-18
Martin Briscoe advises that this was a Chain Home radar station. There is no Chain Home Low here. <2>
According to Guy <1> there was originally a Chain Home Low Station on this site which was later moved to Ulbster Hill. <3>
M Briscoe has contributed photographs of the site to the Highland HER Flickr page. <4>
A small building which stands opposite the original entrance to the station was visited by C Dagg in 2000 during a walkover survey in advance of a proposed new water main. It was noted that it is an unattractive pale concrete building but one which should be given value as part of the whole complex of military buildings. It could easily be avoided by the route of the pipeline. <5>
Sources/Archives (5)
- <1> SHG20874 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Guy, J. A.. 2000. Highland Region: A Survey of the 20th Century Defences. Historic Scotland. 30/01/2001. Digital (scanned as PDF). p 67 of PDF.
- <2> SHG22709 Text/Correspondence: Private individual. 2008-11. Feedback from website visitor. Yes. Digital. Martin Briscoe, 10-10-2009.
- <3> SHG23297 Verbal Communication: Tilbury, S. Comment by Sylvina Tilbury, HER Officer.
- <4> SHG23810 Image/Photograph(s): Briscoe, J M. 2008-11. Information and photographs of various sites submitted by Martin Briscoe. Colour. Yes. Digital. via Flickr.
- <5> SHG21043 Text/Report: Dagg C. Water Mains Stemster-Haster-Reiss-Toftcarl. . . Site 21.
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Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Dec 18 2013 2:58PM
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