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Grid reference Centred NH 8591 0823 (30m by 30m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH80NE
Civil Parish ALVIE


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Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NH80NE 98 8500 0742 to NH 8799 0999. MR 2 (formerly Lin 501 [part of]).

The military road more or less follows the modern road heading for Aviemore (Salmond 1938). Initially the forestry track rejoins the B9152 at NH 852 080 (Baker and Baker 1982). There are no traces of it continuing immediately opposite but signs of the military road can be seen running almost parallel to the B9152 at NH 855 085 (Baker and Baker 1982). Just N of the railway bridge at NH 860 084 all signs of the military road are lost. However, according to the cartographic evidence of Roy and Taylor and Skinner (Taylor 1976), it appears to have taken the line of the railway to Alvie, then turned to the right along an existing track. After about 200 yards it hugged the river and then followed the line of the railway track again.
J B Salmond 1938; W Taylor 1976; J and A Baker 1982.
W Roy 1747 -55; G Taylor and A Skinner 1776.

NH 8500 0742 to NH 8601 0830 well preserved 4m wide between flanking banks.
NH 8601 0830 to NH 8616 0839 slight terracing indicates possible route of Wade's road.
NH 8616 0839 to ?NH 8803 0999 no ground traces but possible course.
NH 8717 0931 terraced track on only suitable crossing point.
Visited by OS November 1966.

After passing through the conifer plantation, the military road crosses a stock fence and traverses a field under pasture. In the pasture the line is very clear, preserved in the form of a grass covered track, 4m wide, with banks on either side. A rough pot-holed track, showing little trace of an 18th century military route, carries the line through Dalraddy Caravan site as far as the turn-off to the caravan park. Thereafter the military road appears to lie under tarmac.
M Logie (Highland Council) 1997; NMRS MS 1007/2.

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2008 12:00AM

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