Monument record MHG34397 - STRONE


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Grid reference Centred NH 7229 0029 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH70SW
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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NH70SW 14.01 7229 0029

The footings of at least twelve rectangular buildings, three enclosures and two corn-drying kilns are situated around a derelict, partially roofed, building in the rough grassland to the NE of Strone. The buildings measure between 5.8m by 2.6m (KING95 423) and 11.1m by 3.3m (KING95 437) internally; where the position of the entrance is visible, it lies in a side wall. In four instances (KING95 423, 429-31) there are midden hollows, measuring about 2m in diameter, alongside the building. Three buildings (KING95 421, 423, 425) have enclosures along one side.
The two corn-drying kilns lie along the SW bank of an unnamed tributary of the Allt Mor. The bowl of the N kiln (KING95 428) measures 2m in diameter within a stony bank spread to 2m in thickness and 1m in height. The flue is on the SE, opening into a barn which measures 5.8m from NW to SE by 3.2m internally. The second kiln (KING95 424) is levelled into the steep bank of the burn and measures 1.9m in diameter within a coursed-rubble face about 1m in height. The flue appears to have been on the NE.
The 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1872, sheets ci and cii) depicts seven roofed buildings, only one of which (KING95 427) was identified on the date of visit. Five buildings and the kiln (KING95 421-3, 428-30) are shown as unroofed, while the other buildings are not marked at all.
(KING95 420-31, 437)
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 11 October 1995

NH 7215 0015 An archaeological watching brief was maintained on the excavation for an access road and pipeline in part of the deserted township of Strone (NMRS NH 70 SW 14.01). Excavations were monitored to avoid existing structures of house, barns and enclosures. An additional six structures were identified as part of the township. No archaeological deposits were revealed during groundworks.
Full report lodged with Highland SMR and the NMRS.
Sponsor: George Leslie Ltd for North of Scotland Water Authority.
S Farrell 2001

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Record last edited

May 13 2016 12:00AM

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