Monument record MHG34469 - Allt A' Chaorainn


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Grid reference Centred NH 6933 0336 (30m by 30m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH60SE


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NH60SE 9 from 4944 0313 to 6929 0366

There are twenty shieling-huts and a kiln-barn strung out along the banks of the Allt a' Chaorainn about 4km upstream (N) of its confluence with the River Calder for a distance of about 550m from NH 4944 0313 to NH 6929 0366. Four of the huts have been largely washed away; the rest are mostly subrectangular and rubble-built, although two (KING95 73 and 74) appear to have been constructed largely of turf. The huts measure between 2m and 5.7m in length and between 1.6m and 2.4m in breadth within walls up to 0.6m in height. Three of the huts have outshots (KING95 70, 81 and 84) and three may have been divided into two compartments (KING95 76, 78 and 84), although in one case the edge-set slab in the interior may be part of a fireplace rather than a partition (KING95 76). Midden heaps can be identified outside the entrances to four huts (KING95 81-2, 84-5). The kiln-barn (KING95 72 at NH 6936 0338) is situated close to the centre of the group on the E bank of the burn. It comprises a bowl measuring 1.8m in diameter and 0.8m in depth, set into rising ground on the NNW, with a barn on the SSE that measures 2.7m by 2m within walls 0.4m in height.
(KING95 69-85)
Visited by RCAHMS (SDB) 27 September 1995

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Record last edited

Sep 29 2009 1:36PM

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