Monument record MHG34470 - Allt A' Chaorainn


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Grid reference Centred NH 6899 0178 (30m by 30m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH60SE
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Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NH60SE 10 6900 0178

This large group of shieling-huts is spread across the heather-covered hillside above the E bank of the Allt a' Chaorainn, 2.3km N of its confluence with the River Calder. At least forty-two huts were recorded in an area measuring 350m from E to W by 200m transversely. They are mostly built of turf, often on stone footings, and of the thirteen that are built of rubble, nine have turf banked against the outer face of their walls. Six huts are reduced to low grassy mounds with a shallow dimple in the centre. Of those whose interiors can be measured the majority (twenty-five huts) measure between 4m and 5.5m in length, and between 2m and 2.6m in breadth, while the largest hut (KING95 626) measures internally 5.8m by 2.6m. Two huts (KING95 609, 626) have outshots, and two others (KING95 608, 610) appear to overlie an earlier hut. Two huts are divided into two compartments (KING95 609, 628) while another two appear to contain the remains of fireplaces defined by edge-set slabs (KING95 607) has two slabs next to the entrance, and (KING95 608) has a single slab in its S corner). Finally, low turfy mounds measuring up to 3m in diameter, which stand beside thirteen huts, in most cases outside the entrance, are probably midden heaps.
(KING95 603-44)
Visited by RCAHMS (SDB) 26 October 1995

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Record last edited

Sep 29 2009 1:36PM

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