Monument record MHG34579 - Canna, Conagearaidh
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NG 2120 0555 (30m by 30m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NG20NW |
Civil Parish | SMALL ISLES |
Geographical Area | LOCHABER |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NG20NW 36 centred 2120 0555
On a flat grassy terrace below the steep cliffs at Conagearaidh, there are two subrectangular buildings, at least six other structures, and two enclosures. The terrace has been cultivated and several plots of lazy-bed cultivation can be seen, together with field clearance heaps and stretches of stony banks (NG20NW 129.03). One bank runs across the terrace from the foot of the cliffs to the foreshore and four of the structures lie along its line. These are all subrectangular on plan and defined by grass-grown banks, and range in internal size from 1.9m by 1.3m to 4.7m by 2.2m; in one case the structure appears to overlie the bank (NG 2115 0562), but the relationship with the others is not known. The remaining two structures lie towards the rear of the terrace; the first is oval on plan and crudely formed by tumbled boulders (NG 2118 0551), while the other is set on a natural rise and measures 4.6m by 3.3m within a grass-grown bank (NG 2120 0555). The two buildings and enclosure lie to the NE, at the leading edge of the terrace, the larger building measuring 10.6m from NNW to SSE by 4.9m within a faced wall 1.2m in thickness and 0.5m in height (NG 2123 0566); its E side has been entirely robbed but one rounded internal corner is still visible. The E end of the second building (NG 2123 0565), which is in a better state of preservation, has been filled with field clearance. The enclosure lies immediately to the SW.
(Canna 667-73, 931-2).
Visited by RCAHMS (SPH, ARG), 6 April 1995.
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Sep 29 2009 1:36PM
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