Monument record MHG34580 - Canna, Garrisdale


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Grid reference Centred NG 2153 0513 (30m by 30m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NG20NW
Civil Parish SMALL ISLES
Geographical Area LOCHABER


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NG20NW 37 2153 0513

See also NG20NW 44 and 129.

A group of eleven mounds, a subrectangular hut, two possible subrectangular structures, as well as several small field clearance cairns, one of which yielded sherds of pottery, are situated on a terrace enclosed by a field-bank at the foot of the crags forming the S side of Garrisdale. The interior of the enclosure has been cultivated with lazy-beds, and all but three mounds and one possible structure lie along the enclosure bank. The majority of the mounds are oval on plan and contain some stones, and most have been damaged by rabbit burrowing; they range in size from 4m by 3.7m to 12m by 9m. The only well-defined hut measures 3m from NNW to SSE by 1.7m within a low stony bank 0.8m in thickness and 0.5m in height,and its NNW wall is slightly thicker where it appears to have been incorporated into the enclosure.
The terrace is shown on an 1805 estate map of Canna as part of the area at Garrisdale that was under cultivation in 1805, and it is depicted as an improved field on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Argyllshire, sheet lix, 1881). A bank that extends away from the SW side of the enclosure can still be followed across the bog to the SW as far as the gully of an unnamed burn; this is annotated on the estate map as the 'dyke the march' between the township of Garrisdale and the 'common', but it is only depicted in part on the 1st edition of the map.
(Canna 567-81).
Visited by RCAHMS (IF, ARG), 5 April 1995.

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Record last edited

Sep 29 2009 1:36PM

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