Monument record MHG34612 - Canna, Cnoc Rugail


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Grid reference Centred NG 2302 0579 (30m by 30m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NG20NW
Civil Parish SMALL ISLES
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Full Description

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User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NG20NW 69 centred 2303 0579

A series of huts, mounds and other structures, together with a possible hut-circle, are strung out along an orthostatic wall that extends along a boggy terrace to the NE of Cnoc Rugail.
The hut-circle (NG 2303 0579) is visible as a low mound in the surface of the peat, measuring 8.2m in diameter overall, in which there is a central depression some 5m across; it has been partly exposed by peat cutting and a shallow dip on the E may indicate the position of an entrance. The orthostatic wall lies only 10m to the S, and can be traced for a distance of 160m to the E (to NG 2319 0582) and 200m to the WSW, its W end (at NG 2285 0569) resting on a low crag from which another length drops down (from NG 2273 0566) into the gully of Allt na Criche Tuatha a further 120m to the WSW. Another wall lies to the N of the hut-circle, and there is a T-junction in the main wall 25m to the WSW (at NG 2301 0578).
About 35m to the E of the hut-circle, there is an oval mound (NG 2307 0578) set on a low rise. It measures 7.6m from NE to SW by 4.5m and 0.6m in height, and several large stones protrude around its edge. Extending in a shallow curve from the foot of this rise on the N, there is a narrow structure defined by two parallel rows of stones set 1m apart, which is at least 25m in length.
A second mound (NG 2302 0574) is situated towards the rear of the terrace 40m to the SSE of the T-junction in the main orthostatic field-wall. Oval on plan, it measures 10.8m from NNW to SSE by 7.6m and 0.6m in height, and is overlain by two subrectangular huts. The first hut measures 2.8m by 2.2m within a stony bank 1m in thickness and 0.6m in height, and the second, which comprises two adjoining cells, measures 5.5m by 2m within a boulder strewn bank 1.6m in thickness and 0.5m in height. The mound and these huts lie in a gap in the orthostatic wall that extends S from the T-junction in the main wall, and may have been built with material robbed from it.
The final hut (NG 2296 0578) has been set against the N side of the main orthostatic wall some 45m to the W of the T-junction; all that is visible is a rectangular arrangement of boulders enclosing an area measuring 2.6m by 1.8m.
(Canna 412-6, 463-4).
Visited by RCAHMS (SPH, ARG), 6 April 1995.

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Record last edited

Sep 29 2009 1:36PM

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