Monument record MHG34754 - Canna, Beinn Tighe
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NG 2526 0569 (30m by 30m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NG20NE |
Civil Parish | SMALL ISLES |
Geographical Area | LOCHABER |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NG20NE 97 centred 2527 0569
A group of three subrectangular buildings, four huts and ten mounds occupies a terrace overlooking the gully of an unnamed burn that flows S from Beinn Tighe. The largest of the three buildings (NG 2527 0569) measures 7.4m from NE to SW by 2.2m transversely within a low stony bank spread up to 1.3m in thickness, and it appears to be overlain on its NE side by a subrectangular hut. The smallest building (NG 2531 0572), which lies about 45m to the NE, is less than half this size, measuring 2.8m by 1.6m internally, and is set on top of a circular stony mound.
Of the remaining three huts, all are under 2m in internal diameter, with one set on top of what may be an earlier hut, now reduced to an oval stony mound; the walls of this hut have been damaged by rabbit burrowing, and from the upcast two sherds of pottery were recovered. The other mounds are probably the remains of further huts, and are either circular or oval in shape. They range in size from 3.2m in diameter to 7.4m by 5.2m, with most containing several large stones or boulders, although in each case no structural detail is visible.
Two small plots of lazy-bed cultivation can also be seen on the terrace (NG20NE 109.01).
(Canna 845-61)
Visited by RCAHMS (ARG), 10 April 1995
During fieldwork in May 2001, further sherds of pottery were recovered in a rabbit scrape into the hut located at NG 2531 0571. This hut appears to overlie an earlier one and yielded two sherds in 1995.
(Finds to be deposited in the NMS).
Visited by RCAHMS (ARG, SPH), 10 May 2001.
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Record last edited
Sep 29 2009 1:36PM
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