Monument record MHG3703 - Macbeth's Castle, Inverness


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Grid reference Centred NH 6737 4558 (300m by 300m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH64NE
Geographical Area INVERNESS


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Full Description

Telephone call from the Inverness Courier, 8/2/00.
Workmen have apparently (within the last few days) uncovered walls that could be part of this castle. They have some photographs, currently being developed, which they will bring in. Trench now all backfilled.

Neighbour took these photos and apparently there was a 'chamber' and stone walling visible.

John Wood 8/2/00

NMRS Notes:

NH64NE 8 6737 4558.

(NH 67374558) Supposed site of Castle (OE)
OS 6"map, (1938)

At the eastern point of the eminence called The Crown, half a mile east of Inverness, Macbeth's Castle is said by tradition to have stood. Within living memory fragments of a castellated building, and also stone coffins or urns, have been dug upon the spot; but when these were found, is not known.
Name Book 1868.

This castle was razed to the ground by Malcolm in revenge of his father's murder. No trace of it is to be seen.
OSA 1793.

An old Ms. dated 1635 in the archives of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, relative to the family of Cuthbert of Castlehill, states that then there were still traces of the old castle to be seen. About 1802-3, while some labourers were trenching a portion of the adjacent farm on the eastern side of Castlehill, they met with a quantity of rubbish and the foundations of walls supposed to have belonged to the castle. (See also Inverness Castle - NH64NE 9)
J Anderson 1831.

No trace of this castle remains, the site being occupied by houses. Visited by OS (W D J) 29 March 1960.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Anderson, G. 1831. 'On some of the stone circles and cairns in the neighbourhood of Inverness', Archaeol Scot Vol. 3 1831, p.211-22. Archaeol Scot. 211-22. 239, 241.
  • --- Text/Publication/Volume: Sir John Sinclair (ed.). 1791-9. The statistical account of Scotland, drawn up from the communications of the ministers of the different parishes. Vol. 9, 633.
  • --- Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1979. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. The archaeological sites and monuments of North-east Inverness, Inverness District, Highland Region. . 27, No. 207.
  • --- Text/Publication/Volume: Name Book (County). Object Name Books of the Ordnance Survey. Book No. 33, 138.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Apr 3 2013 2:02PM

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