Monument record MHG37257 - Fergus' Shelter, South Applecross


An inland rockshelter with lithic assemblage and shell midden which has been radiocarbon dated to the 14th/early 15th-century.


Grid reference Centred NG 7571 3714 (20m by 20m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NG73NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY


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Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NG73NE 5 7571 3714

The following sites were recorded between October 1999 and May 2000 as part of the Scotland's First Settlers Project (DES 1999, 49-50):
NG 7571 3714 Fergus' cave Rockshelter. + *
Notes: + = containing visible midden.
* = test-pitted sites.
> = sites considered inappropriate for test pitting.
A full report has been lodged with the NMRS.
Sponsors: Historic Scotland, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Society of Antiquaries of London, Prehistoric Society, Russell Trust, Applecross Estates Trust, Munro Fund, University of Edinburgh, Ross and Cromarty Enterprise, Leader 11, CFA, private donations.
K Hardy and C Wickham-Jones 2000


Full details about this site can be found in SAIR report no. 31 and the project databases (see links at the bottom of this record). The site is described as one of a series of conjoined rockshelters with much repaired walls along their perimeters, blow the drip lines. A large number of small circular and sub-circular structures lay outside and below the shelters. This site lies c1.5 miles from the sea but it contains a large shell midden. The site of Fergus' Shelter is unusual in being one of the only rockshelter sites investigated by the project that lies inland.
One test pit was excavated which revealed an occupation horizon overlying a layer of limpet shells. An underlying layer of natural rock fall prevented excavation to bedrock. Significant finds from fieldwalking and test pitting included 81 pieces of flaked stone (all from the test pit), sheep/goat bones and shell. Post medieval glass and relatively recent metal objects were also recovered. Radiocarbon dating of charcoal and bone returned dates in the range AD1300-1420.
None of the lithics were diagnostic and given the 14th/early 15th-century dates it is possible that later stoneworking took place to produce simple tools and strike a lights.<1>-<3>

The record name has been changed from Meall na h'Uamha to the name used by the project following a report from a website user. <4>

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> Text/Report: Hardy, K and Wickham-Jones, C (eds). 2007. Mesolithic and later sites around the Inner Sound, Scotland: the work of the Scotland's First Settlers project 1998-2004, Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports 31. . Digital. SFS114, Section 2.2.38, Section 4.
  • <2> Collection/Project Archive: Hardy, K and Wickham-Jones, C. 2007. Scotland's First Settlers Project Archive. Digital (web). SFS114.
  • <3> Text/Report: Wickham-Jones, C R. Flaked Lithic Material from the Survey sites. . Digital. SFS114.
  • <4> Text/Correspondence: Private individual. 2008-11. Feedback from website visitor. Yes. Digital. Mark Stevens, 15/06/2011.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Jun 15 2011 4:13PM

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