Monument record MHG37783 - Loch Nam Faoileag
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Grid reference | Centred NH 4911 3225 (30m by 30m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH43SE |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
NH43SE 39 4910 3225
At least two hut-circles and an oval building are situated on a gently sloping, heather-grown, terrace to the SW of Loch nam Faoileag; two disused trackways can also be seen crossing the terrace to either side of the hut-circles. The larger hut-circle (URQ97 13, NH 4912 3225) is slightly oval on plan, measuring 7.8m from NW to SE by 6.4m transversely within a stony bank spread to 2.1m in thickness and 0.3m in height. The second hut-circle (URQ97 15, NH 4907 3225) measures 5.1m in diam eter within a wall 1.5m in thickness and up to 0.8m in height; coursed masonry of the inner and outer faces can be seen at several points on the circuit. The interiors of both hut-circles have been dug into the slope on the NW and their entrances are on t he SE. An arc of bank between the two hut-circles (NH 49102 32262) may be the remains of a third round house.
The oval building (URQ97 14, NH 4911 3229) is situated on a small terrace to the N of the hut-circles and measures 10.4m from E to W by 7.8m tra nsversely within a wall reduced to a bank spread to 2m in thickness and 0.7m in height. There are gaps in the wall on the N and E, the latter possibly being the entrance, and occasional stones of the inner and outer faces protrude from the bank. The inter ior is dug into the slope on the S.
At least 20 small cairns, the largest of which measures 4m in diameter and 0.4m in height, are scattered across the terrace around the hut-circles. The surface of the ground between the cairns is markedly smoother than that of adjacent areas.
(URQ97 13-5)
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 2 September 1997.
Scheduled as 'Loch nam Faoileag, hut circles 730m NNW of Wester Balnagrantach… three hut circles… on a gently sloping terrace in moorland…'
Information from Historic Scotland, scheduling document dated 27 September 2007.
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User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
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Record last edited
Sep 29 2009 1:36PM
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