Find Spot record MHG3788 - Knocknagael Boar Stone
Grid reference | Centred NH 6567 4134 (21m by 20m) |
Map sheet | NH64SE |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Full description of Stone. Height 6' 9"; breadth 7' 2"; thickness 1' 1 1/2". Metric dimensions - 2m x 2.2m x 0.31m.
D Butler 1926; W Jolly 1882; J Stuart 1856; J R Allen and J Anderson 1903. <1>-<4>
Very full description in Inverness FC 1920 Vol IX, p154 onwards.<5>
Knocknagael Boar Stone: A roughly shaped slab. At the top is incised the mirror-case symbol and below the figure of a wild boar. The round part of the mirror case is ornamented with a circle and a central dot and the boar has spiral curves on the body. <6>
This large, upright, sculptured stone is as described above. A MoW. Plaque at the side describes this "The Knocknagael Boarstone" - 5th - 8th century AD. Pictish symbol stone. It is protected by a high wire fence.
Visited by OS (JLD) 22 March 1962.
Transferred in March 1991 to foyer of Highland Regional Council Chambers, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness (NH64SE 64).
Excavation was undertaken around stone prior to its removal to its new protected location (supra). Work was limited to small Guardianship area, and was further reduced by immense disturbance caused by fence foundations. Guardianship gravel overlay a layer of blackened cobbles which dipped below stone itself. Both were rich in glass and pottery fragments of recent date. And probably derived from local passtime of hurling bottles at stone from passing cars. Beneath this was natural gravel subsoil, and it was clear that stone was not on original site. 2 finds of interest, both unstratified. Were noted. These consisted of a small, unretouched and undiagnostic flint flake and a broken glass bead of recent date. Neither relate to stone.
Highland Regional Council 1994. <7>
Class I symbol stone bearing a boar surmounted by a mirror-case.
A.Mack 1997 p.111 <8>
See Photo of Boar Stone, circa 1960 at Knocknagael. Photo from Mr King. <9>
Included in a catalogue of the Pictish Symbol Stones at Inverness Museum & Art Gallery, original version 1994, updated 2010. The stone is on display in Highland Council Headquarters. The stone is described as having an incised mirror case symbol ornamented with a circle and central dot to the top. Below is the figure of a wild boar, with decorative scrolling to represent the muscle structure. <10>
A watching brief took place in March 2010 during the excavation of a passing place being formed over this findspot. An area of cobbles was identified and photographed. <11>
Sources/Archives (68)
- --- SHG10232 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagael Boarstone, cobbles below gravel. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG10233 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagael Boarstone, cobbles below gravel. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12699 Image/Photograph(s): PSS : Knocknagael (class 1). Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG14251 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagael Boar Stone. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG1705 Text/Publication/Article: Gordon, C A. 1967. 'The Pictish animals observed', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 98 1964-6, p.215-24. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 215-24. 215-24.
- --- SHG2053 Text/Publication/Volume: Close-Brooks, J. 1986. Exploring Scotland's Heritage: The Highlands. 130, No. 66.
- --- SHG2188 Text/Publication/Volume: Feachem, R W. 1977. Guide to prehistoric Scotland. 2nd ed.. 197.
- --- SHG2357 Text/Publication/Volume: Jackson, A. 1984. The symbol stones of Scotland: a social anthropological resolution to the problem of the Picts. Table 2A.
- --- SHG24005 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council Archaeology Unit. HCAU Slide Collection Sheet 3. Colour slide. . Digital (scanned). 58-62.
- --- SHG2673 Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1979. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. The archaeological sites and monuments of North-east Inverness, Inverness District, Highland Region. . 24, No. 184.
- --- SHG2712 Text/Publication/Volume: Ritchie, J N G. 1985. Pictish symbol stones: a handlist 1985.
- --- SHG6994 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, Cobbles below gravel. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG6995 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, Concrete post base. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG6996 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, Concrete post base. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG6997 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, Stone Hole. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG6998 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, Packing stones removed. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG6999 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7000 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, Cobbles below gravel. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7001 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, concrete post base. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7002 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, concrete post base. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7003 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone,Stone hole+area 1/2 sectioned. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7004 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, packing stones removed. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7005 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, black layer. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7006 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, cobbles. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7007 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, W. end after prelim. clear. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7008 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, packing, W. end. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7009 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, Area/hole 1/2 sectioned. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7010 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, black layer below cobbles. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7011 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, base clear, strapping on. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7012 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, cobbles. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7013 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, W. end+ concrete base. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7014 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, slope below stone. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7015 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, packing stones, S. side. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7016 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, black layer below cobbles. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7017 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, preparing lift. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7018 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, preparing for lift. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7019 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, waiting for lift off. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7020 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, fingers crossed. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7021 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, the lift. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7022 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, the road block. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7023 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, the empty hole. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7024 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, positioning lorry. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7025 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, ready to lift stone. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7026 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, stone clear of ground. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7027 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, the lift. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7028 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, lowering onto sand bed. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7029 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, the empty hole. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7030 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, preparing crane. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7031 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, ready to lift. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7032 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, stone clear of hole. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7033 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, the lift. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7034 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, stone lowered. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7035 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, the empty hole. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7036 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, preparing crane. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7037 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, final adjustments for lift. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7038 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, crane driver concentrates. Digital Image. .
- --- SHG7039 Image/Photograph(s): Knocknagel Boarstone, prepares to lower. Digital Image. .
- <1> SHG350 Text/Publication/Monograph: Stuart, J. 1856. Sculptured stones of Scotland. 1. 13; pl. 38.
- <2> SHG1317 Text/Publication/Article: Jolly, W. 1882. On cup-marked stones in the neighbourhood of Inverness; with an appendix on cup-marked stones in the Western Islands. Proc Soc Antiq Scot Volume 16. 300-401. 378-8.
- <3> SHG1883 Text/Publication/Volume: Allen and Anderson, J R and J. 1903. The early Christian monuments of Scotland: a classified illustrated descriptive list of the monuments with an analysis of their symbolism and ornamentation. 103-5; fig. 108.
- <4> SHG278 Text/Publication/Article: Butler, D. 1926. ''Boar's Stone'', Trans Inverness Sci Soc Fld Club Vol. 9 1918-25, p.154-69. Trans Inverness Sci Soc Fld Club. 154-69. 154-69.
- <5> SHG3550 Text/Publication/Article: Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Vol. IX, 1920. p.154 onwards.
- <6> SHG2045 Text/Publication/Volume: Childe and Simpson, V G and W D. 1954. Illustrated guide to ancient monuments in the ownership or guardianship of The Ministry of Works: volume vi: Scotland. 2nd ed.. 93.
- <7> SHG1011 Text/Publication/Article: HRC. 1994. 'Knocknagael Boarstone (Inverness & Bona parish): Pictish symbol stone', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1994, p.33. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 33. 33.
- <8> SHG2456 Text/Publication/Volume: Mack, A. 1997. Field guide to the Pictish symbol stones. 111.
- <9> SHG23722 Verbal Communication: Aitken, J. Comments by Jacquie Aitken, SMR Assistant. 14/08/2001.
- <10> SHG25069 Text/Publication/Booklet: Inverness Museum. 2010. A Catalogue of the Pictish Symbol Stones at Inverness Museum & Art Gallery. Paper (Copy).
- <11> SHG25317 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Fraser, L et al. 08/2010. Knocknagael Substation, Inverness: Archaeological Watching Brief and Trial Trenching Evaluation. Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. Digital. p 9.
Finds (1)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
May 27 2011 11:41AM
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