Monument record MHG38229 - Inverness, Culduthel Mains


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Grid reference Centred NH 6641 4184 (30m by 30m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH64SE
Geographical Area INVERNESS


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NH64SE 261 from 657 419 to 672 424

NH 672 424 to NH 657 419 A watching brief in April and May 2001 within agricultural land on the SE outskirts of Inverness during the topsoil removal phase of the construction of the Southern Distributor Road led to the recording of a total of 128 archaeological features. The majority were fire-pits or cooking pits containing heated stones, charcoal and occasionally, in situ structural stonework forming a windbreak. Artefacts were few but variations in the morphology, stratigraphy and location (in terms of subsoil) of these pits would suggest that they could be assigned to both recent and prehistoric times. In addition, a partial and truncated ring-ditch was recorded, as was a stretch of palisade trench containing both pottery and flint. Modern features including borrow-pits and agricultural burials were also found. Topsoil depth varied considerably over the route, with some features being severely truncated and others well preserved. The majority of the features were found on the 50m OD terrace; the lower ground at close to 40m OD contained few archaeological remains.
Report to be lodged with Highland SMR.
Sponsors: Historic Scotland, Highland Council.
I Suddaby 2001

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  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Jun 12 2014 4:22PM

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