Monument record MHG39297 - Structure, Loch Sunart
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NM 611 598 (20m by 20m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NM65NW |
Old County | ARGYLL |
Civil Parish | ARDNAMURCHAN |
Geographical Area | LOCHABER |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Excavation followed the survey and assessment of the site which took place in 1993. The recovery of lithics from test pits located to the N and E of the midden (NM65NW0023) suggested that prehistoric activity was not confined to the area defined by it. One of the main aims of excavation in 1994 was to further examine the nature and extent of this activity. The main excavation trench, some 5m by 5m, was located over the area of densest lithic concentration, immediately to the N of the shell midden mound. Large quantities of lithics, mostly quartz, were encountered immediately on the removal of the turf. A number of archaeological features were identified which included a hearth, pits and stone-packed sub-circular foundation trenches. The latter appear to relate to small structures, which require further excavation.
Some 5,000 lithics were recovered, with the assemblage dominated by waste pieces. Although quartz was dominant, flint and bloodstone were also present; flakes and blades, some of them snapped, and several retouched microliths were noted. A finely worked leaf-shaped arrowhead of bloodstone was recovered from the northern portion of the trench. This assemblage is currently undergoing analysis and its character compared to that previously recovered from the excavation of the shell midden in the early 192Os. The implication is clearly that the shell midden represents only one aspect of depositional activity on the island, with areas of settlement and lithic manufacture located away from the midden.
Limited excavation of the midden deposits established that much of the mound had been disturbed by earlier excavation but did suggest that the deposit may overlie earlier structures; again further work will be required. Excavation is planned in 1995 and an interim report will be produced following that. A paper on this site will also be appearing in the published proceedings of the Mesolithic Conference recently held in Glasgow.
Sponsors: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Ardnamurchan Survey Project.
T Pollard, J Atkinson and T Banks 1994
NM 611 599. The shell midden was located and surveyed as part of an ongoing programme of survey taking place in Ardnamurchan.
The site, described in the literature as Obanian in character, had previously been excavated in the earlier part of the 20th century by L Mann and later by D MacKewan, under the auspices of H Bishop. No published excavation report exists, though letters sent by MacKewan to Bishop, describing the work, are lodged in the Hunterian Museum.
The site now exists as a grass-covered mound, some 30m by 10m, situated on a raised beach platform at the SE end of the island of Risga.
A stone lined trough of unknown origin and function cuts the mound toward its southern terminus and a series of very recent spade-cut pits were found to be distributed, apparently at random, across the mound. The purpose of these pits could not be ascertained, though they do appear to represent a previous attempt to investigate the site by persons unknown - no record of such work exists.
Following the mapping of the site a series of test pits was inserted into the mound, centred on the pits already present. Redeposited material...undoubtedly represents the spoil of MacKewans work, however basal deposits do appear to exist beneath this.
A series of test pits were excavated outwith the area of the mound, where lithics were recovered.
These results suggest that prehistoric activity was not limited to the area of the shell midden and the potential for related evidence surviving in situ therefore appears to be high.
J Atkinson, I Banks and T Pollard 1993.
An important shell midden was found on the E side of this island and is thought to date to the mesolithic period. The midden seems to have been fully excavated revealing significant information on the diet and prey species of these early settlers in N Argyll. Dating is uncertain but probably between 5000 and 2500 BC. This site lies outside the SSSI area.
J Wordsworth, SSSIs, Scottish Natural Heritage, 1993
The largest and most important assemblage of Mesolithic material as yet known from North Argyll was recovered by A H Bishop and L M Mann in 1920-1 during the excavation of a kitchen midden on Risga (NM 610 600), a small rocky island in Loch Sunart. (Lacaille {1954} locates it to a narrow shelf of rock at the E of the island.) The deposit of refuse, which was at least 0.3m thick, lay at about the level of the 'main postglacial strandline' marking the maximum limit of the Early Post-Glacial sea. The midden yielded an extensive collection of implements fashioned from stone, bone and antler, including mattocks, harpoons and limpet-hammers, together with relatively large numbers of flint and quartz tools, and thousands of worked and waste flakes. It also contained a large quantity of molluscan shells, fish-bones, crustacean remains and bones of sea-fowls and mammals. The island, which is only 12 ha (30 acres) in size, is unlikely to have been occupied all the year round, but it must have been an important camp and working-site, producing bone tools generally comparable to artifacts found in the shell-middens on Oronsay, which date to about the middle of the fifth millenium BC. The bone and antler objects from Risga and Oronsay have been likened to finds described as belonging to an 'Obanian culture'. It is clear, however, as a result of recent excavations in Argyll that the Mesolithic Period was of longer duration and of more complex character than had hitherto been considered, and the fact that the flint and stone artifacts from Risga are of different forms from those of other 'Obanian' sites' may be seen as evidence of this. In general terms, however, the material from Risga may be considered as one element coming late in the sequence of Mesolithic activity along the western seaboard of Scotland.
The finds are in the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, and Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum.
A D Lacaille 1954a; 1954b; R D Stevenson 1978; J M Coles 1964; 1971;
G de G Sievekimg, I H Longworth and K E Wilson 1976; J Mercer 1974;
W G Jardine 1971; 1973; C Renfrew 1974.
No trace of this midden could be found. The only artificial feature in the area is a trench of uncertain purpose at NM 6123 6003 on an easterly slope. It is oriented NE-SW and measures about 5.0m long by 0.5m wide by 0.5m deep with the sides lined with contiguous slabs on edge and the upper (SW) end blocked by another. There are indications of disturbed ground on either side.
Visited by OS (R L) 1 June 1970.
Sources/Archives (12)
- --- SHG1153 Text/Publication/Article: Coles, J M. 1964. 'New aspects of the mesolithic settlement of South-West Scotland', Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc Vol. 41 1962-3, p.67-98. Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc. 67-98. 82-3.
- --- SHG1154 Text/Publication/Article: Mercer, J. 1974. 'New C14 dates from the Isle of Jura, Argyll', Antiquity Vol. 48 1974, p.65-6. Antiquity. 65-6. 65-6.
- --- SHG1335 Text/Publication/Article: Jardine, W G. 1971. 'Oronsay, shell middens', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1971, p.6. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 6. 6.
- --- SHG1336 Text/Publication/Article: Jardine, W G. 1973. 'Oronsay, shell middens', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1973, p.9-10. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 9-10. 9.
- --- SHG1423 Text/Publication/Article: Atkinson, Banks and Pollard, J, I and T. 1993. 'Risga (Ardnamurchan parish): shell midden', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1993, p.45. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 45. 45.
- --- SHG1424 Text/Publication/Article: Pollard, Atkinson and Banks, T, J and I. 1994. 'Risga (Ardnamurchan parish): shell midden', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1994, p.36. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 36. 36.
- --- SHG1657 Text/Publication/Article: Coles, J M. 1971. 'The early settlement of Scotland: excavations at Morton, Fife', Proc Prehist Soc Vol. 37 1971, p.284-366. Proc Prehist Soc. 284-366. 305.
- --- SHG2399 Text/Publication/Volume: Lacaille, A D. 1954. The Stone Age in Scotland. 229-39.
- --- SHG2693 Text/Publication/Volume: Renfrew, C (ed.). 1974. British prehistory: a new outline. 91-2.
- --- SHG2789 Text/Publication/Volume: Sieveking, Longworth and Wilson, G de G, I H and K E. 1976. Problems in econmoic and social archaeology. 376-7, 381.
- --- SHG2831 Text/Publication/Volume: Stevenson, R D. 1978. Risga: The Mesolithic industry.
- --- SHG71 Text/Publication/Article: Lacaille, A D. 1951. 'A stone industry from Morar, Inverness-shire; Its Obanian (Mesolithic) and later affinities', Archaeologia, Vol 94 (1951), pp 103-39. pp 115-28.
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