Monument record MHG39597 - Burial, Green Tullochs


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Grid reference Centred ND 0130 6964 (6m by 6m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet ND06NW
Civil Parish REAY
Geographical Area CAITHNESS


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Full Description

(A: ND 0131 6964; B: ND 0122 6958) Green Tullochs (NR) (Broughs) (NR) (For 'B' - a cairn - see ND 06 NW 23.)
OS 6"map, Caithness, 2nd ed., (1907)

A: The ruins of this broch appear as a penannular ring of slaty fragments some 12ft high, with interior comparatively clear. The ring has been undermined by erosion on NE destroying the entrance. At several places outer and inner faces of the wall are visible under the debris, giving a wall thickness of 14-15ftand an interior diameter of 43ft. The tower appears to have been encircled, 2ft 7ins from its base (sic), by a wall 4ft 9ins thick. The remains of a further encircling bank, apparently surmounted by a wall, with a ditch 18ft wide and now 4ft deep with a low counterscarp bank, can be seen some 22ft to seaward on the NE side of the broch wall.
RCAHMS 1911.

During the partial destruction of the broch about 1815, a human skeleton was found, laid close to wall of tower, covered by a flagstone, loosely set on edge in the ground and leaning against the wall.
J Anderson 1873; J Miller 1865.

The broch remains as a grass-covered circular enclosure 2.7m maximum height, strewn with large numbers of rubble stones. It has been destroyed in the N by coastal erosion revealing the outer wall face. It is partially encircled by two grass-covered banks and a medial ditch 0.5m deep. The inner bank, maximum height 1.4m is complete except in the N, where it has been eroded. The outer bank, 1.0m high, is less prominent and has disappeared completely in the N and SW segments. In the S and SE these outer ramparts are cut by three entrances, apparently original.
Resurveyed at 1:2500.
Visited by OS (N K B) 4 November 1964.

(ND 0131 6964) Broch (NR)
OS 6"map, (1969)

This broch with outworks is generally as described by the previous authorities. A depression in the broch wall in the W may represent the entrance. The innermost wall described by the RCAHMS could not be identified. Traces of the medial ditch or counterscarp bank are visible continuously around the perimeter except in the N where erosion has taken place. The suggested entrances probably originated during the robbing of the broch.
Revised at 1:2500.
Visited by OS (J B) 10 September 1981.

A broch, 13m internal diameter, 24 by 20m externally, and 3m high, surrounded at a distance of 6m by a bank 3.5m thick; with a wall, 2m thick, running 4m outside this.
R J Mercer 1981.

Sources/Archives (5)

  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Tulloch Broch, W of Crosskirk.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Anderson, J. 1873. ''Notice of the excavation of the brochs of Yarhouse, Brounaben, Bowermadden, Old Stirkake, and Dunbeath in Caithness; with remarks on the period of the brochs, and an appendix, containing a collected list of the brochs of Scotland, and early notices of m. Archaeol Scot. 131-98. 185.
  • --- Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Mercer, R J. 1981. Archaeological field survey in northern Scotland: volume II, 1980-81. University of Edinburgh. 30/12/1981. Paper and Digital. 139, No. 326.
  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Miller, J. 1865. 'Prehistoric remains of Caithness', p.5. 5. 5.
  • --- Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1911. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland. Third report and inventory of monuments and constructions in the county of Caithness. . 93-4, No. 348.

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2008 12:00AM

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