Monument record MHG39905 - Hut Circle and structure - Kingsburgh 17 (Kingsburgh 08)
Grid reference | Centred NG 4071 5563 (15m by 21m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NG45NW |
Geographical Area | SKYE AND LOCHALSH |
Civil Parish | SNIZORT |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
A hut circle was recorded by M Wildgoose in 2003 during an additional walkover survey in advance of a proposed forestry Woodland Grant Scheme at Kingsburgh, Skye. This was one of two similar features noted in this location (see also MHG38863), both of which appeared to be based on hut circles. Attached to the northeast side of this hut circle, which was 9m in diameter with walls 1.5m thick, was a boat-shaped structure on a SW-NE alignment which measured 6m long by 4.5m wide over walls 1.8m thick. The boat-shaped structure appeared to be secondary to the hut circle as a rough opening had been forced through the hut wall to allow access. <1>
140722 855026 Kingsburgh 08 EB217: The structure was visited by A Welti and A MacInnes in 2010 as part of research for a dissertation on hut circles in Wester Ross. This was part of a degree course overseen by Aberdeen University. EB216 (see MHG38863) and 217 make up M Wildgoose Site 17 in Kingsburgh Archaeological Survey 2003. The large enclosure surrounding this group of HC's EB221 (see MHG38862), EB216 and EB217 is massive, rampart-like and around 2.2m high in some parts. The enclosure is engulfed with thick bracken. Attached to the circular structure EB216 is a boat shaped structure, see sketch. The structure is submerged by thick bracken and most stones can be felt not seen. EB217 is 15m from EB216 and both structures seem identical in plan. Attached to the NE side of both HCs is a boat-shaped structure which lies on a SW-NE alignment. EB217 is very degraded, more so than EB216. There were no visible wall stones. Any entry gap between the HC and the 'boat' is buried under a tumble spread of 7.9m. The 'boat' lengths from N/S are; outer 8.0m, inner 2.5m. From E/W outer width is 7.2m and inner is 1.2m. The HC has average inner diameter 4.5m, outer diameter 9.25m. Wall thickness could not be measured, although wall spread is around 3.5m. Max wall height is 0.4m. There is a possible entrance to SW. Heavy bracken cover made these measurements very approximate. <2> <3>
[Note: a database was set up as part of research for the dissertation and was subsequently expanded as an extension of the We Digs Project (see website link below). The full access database can be made available to enquirers/researchers if requested - contact HER for details]
Note: NGR adjusted to position as seen on 1999-2001 vertical APs [IS-L 01/02/2017].
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SHG22066 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Wildgoose, M.. 2003. Kingsburgh Common Grazings Amendments to the Woodland Grant Scheme Proposal. Archaeological and Ancient Landscape Survey (AALS). 12/01/2004. Paper and Digital. Site 17.
- <2> SHG27403 Text/Manuscript: Welti, A.. 2012. Roundhouses of Wester Ross and parts of Skye. University of Aberdeen. Yes. Digital. EB217.
- <3> SHG27404 Dataset/Database File: Welti, A.. 2009-2016. Roundhouses of Wester Ross and parts of Skye: project database. Lochbroom Field Club. Yes. Digital. EB217.
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Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Record last edited
Feb 1 2017 2:51PM
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