Monument record MHG40124 - Corarnstilmore
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NN 8349 9870 (40m by 40m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NN89NW |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Visited 13th June 2003. Weather – overcast, threatening rain. The site, which appears as a grassy fertile area on a hillside which is otherwise heathery, lies at the foot of a northwest facing slope and is quite exposed. An extensive area of fertile land lies on the valley floor to the west and south. There is much evidence of recent use for sheep management, with enclosures and a jumble of detritus - corrugated iron, barbed wire and fence remains. The settlement appears on Roys map of 1750 and also on Thomsons map of 1830 and on the 1st edition OS map of 1872, where it is marked as having several roofed buildings.
Structure A - NN 83005 98579
A rectangular structure on a WNW/ESE axis measures internally 12m x 3m. Low linear turf walls are 1m wide and rise to 0.2-0.3m, some stones evident. Squared corners. May be an entrance in the north wall but no evidence of internal walls. Possible entrance at SW corner.
Kiln B - NN 82987 98543
Possible ?limekiln constructed into a steep northwest facing bank, roughly 7m x 3m. Upper part is 1.5m in depth, and is an arc of roughly 3m diameter (top) and 1.5m (base). The lower part is a vertical piece of stonework, measuring 1m x 1m and may be a flue or ?entrance to the kiln. Structure C may be associated.
Structure C - NN 82999 98543
Lies adjacent and above, to the SE of B, with which it may be associated. Dished rectangular area, measures internally 8m x 4m and is 0.3-0.4m deep. Has surrounding turf walls of 1m width and 0.2m height. The structure lies within a more recent sheepstell and may have been robbed of stone. Could be an additional extension at right angles to the east, where a rectangular dished area 7m x 2.5m abuts. This is recessed into the slope at its northeast corner.
Sheepfold D - NN 83005 98545
A circular sheepfold of 20m diameter which has been extensively robbed of stone. Only an arc in the south remains in which the footings of a well constructed wall exist, these are 1m in width and 0.2m height. Occasional stones to be seen in the NE arc.
Structure E - NN 83019 98542
On the highest point of this part of the settlement, this rectangular platform is on a NNW/SSE axis and measures 7m x 5m. It is recessed into the slope by 0.3m at the south end and revetted out by 0.3m at the north end. No evidence of wall footings.
Kiln F - NN 83022 98560
This structure is in 2 parts and may be a ?lime kiln. Lower part to the NW, is on a steep slope. It forms a recessed semicircular arc of diameter 2.5m (upper part) and 4.5m (lower part), is 7m in length, and has a total “drop” of 2.3m. Upper part to the SE is a rectangular dished area on a NNE/SSW axis, it measures 6m x 3m and is 0.5m deep at south end. Surrounding earth banks are 1m in width and 0.2m height.
Structure G - NN 83089 98610
One of 2 rectangular structures on a spur in the east of the settlement. On a N/S alignment and measuring 12m x 2.5m internally, appearing as a platform with more lush grass outlining the walls, although there are some stones evident and the long east wall is recessed into the slope, 0.2m height. A square hollow adjacent and to the SE of this building may be an annexe. It is 3m x 3m and 0.2m deep, some stonework evident defining the edges. H lies only 1.5m to the N. Quite decent pasture land surround these 2 buildings with many humps and hollows, but no form can be made of them. Rabbit burrowing.
Structure H - NN 83092 98626
Similar to and on the same alignment as G this building appears as a shallow dished rectangular platform measuring 12m x 2.5m. Outlined by barely discernable earth banks 0.1m in height.
Clearance cairn I - NN 83047 98625
A pile of stones with a diameter of 2m and height of 0.3m
The following features are to be found within the two modern walled enclosures (not described here) recently used for management of sheep. The construction of the substantial walls of the enclosures have most probably been much facilitated by stone robbing from the older structures!
Enclosure J - NN 83024 98664
An enclosure on a NW facing slope, 16m x 14m. East side is recessed into the slope, which falls sharply by 1m, the west edge extends into marshy ground. South side has an obvious earth bank at its east end
Structure K - NN 83037 98659
Rectangular building on a NNE/SSW axis, internal measurement 13m x 4m. Discontinuous earth banks 1m in width and 0.2-0.3m in height are discernable but amorphous. No evidence of north wall
Structure L - NN 83052 98659
A depression roughly 3m in diameter and 1m deep (at the rear), adjacent to the wall of the outer enclosure which at this point is 2m high. A stone edge appears at the foot of the wall and there may be evidence of wall footings extending to the NW, making this a possible rectangular building on a NW/SE axis of roughly 6m x 3m recessed into the slope.
Structure M - NN 83050 98685
Appears to be the main building and the most recently used. It has been re-used to form part of the walls of the inner enclosure. On a NE/SW axis it measures 18m x 4m and has a doorway in the east wall. Walls are well constructed, with evidence of mortaring, they are 0.5m in width and 1.5m height. East, north, and half of the west wall appear to be of the original building, south wall is much rougher. 1st edition OS survey marks this as L shaped. The inner enclosure extends to the north and west and contains an extensive jumble of corrugated iron, timber, broken fences, nettles etc
Structure N - NN 83060 98749
Rectangular structure, much wasted. Appears as a platform 13m x 3m on the west side of the wall where there is an earth bank defining it, and also as a recessed area (the slopes of which are to be found on the east side of the wall). There is a roofed building marked on the 1st edition OS survey in the same position.
Sheepdip P
A sheepdip (probably modern) constructed of concrete ?2.5m x 0.6m x 1m deep
1. General view (of south) from ENE
2. A from east
3. B from east
4. B from north
5. D from east (also C from ESE)
6. E from south
7. F (upper) from south
8. F (lower) from WSW
9. G and H from SSE
10. G from north (also H from NE)
11. J from SW
12. K from north
13. L from WSW
14. M from east
15. N from SW
16. N from NE
M. Marshall - July 2003
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Jan 28 2008 12:00AM
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