Monument record MHG4040 - Possible Fort or Dun, Eilean Ighe
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Grid reference | Centred NM 6356 8805 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NM68NW |
Geographical Area | LOCHABER |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
NM68NW 1 6356 8805 to 6358 8795.
(NM 6363 8798) Possible dun or fort. Dry-built wall, 18" thick. Coalas Eilean Ighe is known as the "Channel of the Forts".
Information from J Howdle to OS 8 November 1972.
At NM 6356 8805 and NM 6358 8795 are two defensive structures placed on two separate small rocky knolls. The more northerly is nearly square and reminiscent of the foundation of a small keep. It measures 8.2m N-S by 7.5m E-W overall, with a strong dry-built wall 1.5m thick on the E, W and S, and about 2.2m thick on the most vulnerable N side. The wall stands to a maximum height of 1.3m. The entrance may be indicated by a lowering in the rubble about a third of the way along the E side from the N, in a position of difficult access above a small cliff.
The other, c. 100.0m to the S, is not so substantial, but still strongly built. It is sub-rectangular on plan, measuring 15.0m N-S by 7.0m E-W with a dry-built wall varying between 0.9m and 1.6m in thickness. A low cliff forms most of the E side. The entrance is not evident. Some 95.0m to the W is a corn-drying kiln with a well-preserved draught passage. There is no trace of agricultural remains on the island nor any house foundations and it seems likely that it is contemporary with the two defensive structures.
There is little doubt that the two structures are contemporary, and are medieval or later. There may be some substance in the local tradition that they are defences against cattle raiders, but it is more likely that they represent the stronghold of a small clan chieftain.
Visited by OS (A A) 3 July 1974.
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Jan 28 2008 12:00AM
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