Monument record MHG40497 - Field system, Loch Borralie West
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NC 3760 6711 (231m by 225m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NC36NE |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Old County | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | DURNESS |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
At NC 3759 6710, in an undulating limestone area encroached on by sand dunes, is a hut circle. It is ill-defined, on the NW half surviving, visible as an arc of rubble about 1.7m wide, protruding through the turf; no entrance is apparent. Conjecturally the hut measures 7.0m in internal diameter. The hut is surrounded by a small contemporary field system of two hectares comprising small clearance heaps and strips of linear clearance. Whether rubble walling protruding through the turf and exposed in a dune is contemporary cannot be determined. No measurable field plots can be seen.
Surveyed at 1:10,000.
Visited by OS (J B) 27 November 1978.
a) To the NE of hut circle 50 are 9 clearance cairns, including rubble thrown against a limestone ridge. They range in size from 11.6 m x 5.90 m to 2.6 m x 7 m. Sheepfold 51 sits among the cairns. Limestone ridge appears burnt, perhaps from clearance relating to cultivation.
B) A curvilinear bank which is aligned broadly N/S and is 19.5 m long, with possible gap 7 m from the S end. The bank is low and turf-covered with a great quantity of rubble showing through and spreading up to 1.7 m wide. The bank cuts off the rising ground to the NE of the valley from the lower ground where the cairns lie. At NC 3677 6713
c) 23 m E of (b) is a right-angled section of walling which runs c 15 m NE/Swand turns a rounded corner to run NW/SE for 22 m. This dyke runs along the contour and is set on bedrock in some places and is up to 3 courses high (0.4 m) in others. Much burrowing along the NW/SE leg. May have enclosed a small field.
E) 36-46 m S of the hut circle 50 are three other cairns, measuring between 1.55 m in diameter and 4.3m x 3.65m. These three cairns are in a deflated area and more exposed than the others.
F) At NC 3758 6703, 55 m to the SSW of the circular structure, is a turf-covered stone bank 11.6 m lNNW/SSE. This delineates the SW end of the field system. The bank spreads up to 1 m wide and is very similar to feature c).
An extensive, well-preserved prehistoric field system associated with hut circles (site 50, 58, etc) occupying the upper part of the central valley. Burnt limestone may indicate ground clearance in advance of cultivation (cf site 56). See NMRS NC36NE 46.
On floor of open, generally SW-tilting valley, overlooking mountains to W and S.
Recommendations: Monitor and control rabbits. <1><2>
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SHG24622 Dataset/Database File: Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division (GUARD). 2003. Site gazetteer: Loch Borralie, Kyle of Durness. Site 195.
- <2> SHG24621 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Lelong, O and MacGregor, G. 2003. Loch Borralie, Kyle of Durness: Project 950. Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division (GUARD). Digital. Site 195.
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Record last edited
Aug 2 2016 11:19AM
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