Monument record MHG42334 - Isleornsay Lighthouse, Eilean Sionnach
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NG 7135 1218 (20m by 20m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NG71SW |
Geographical Area | SKYE AND LOCHALSH |
Civil Parish | SLEAT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Renumbered from NG71SW8538
JHooper, 5/12/2001
(Name cited as Ornsay Lighthouse, Eilean Sionnaich, and location as NG 713 122). Built 1857 by engineers D and T Stevenson. A short, circular-section tower with corbelled balcony. The single-storey keepers' houses have ridged roofs.
J R Hume 1977.
Ornsay light was built by David Stevenson to guard the S approach to the Sound of Sleat, and first lit on 10 November 1857; it used Thomas Stevenson's 'condensing' apparatus to display different strengths of light in different directions. It was converted to gas operation in 1898 and automated in 1962.
R W Munro 1979.
Sources/Archives (4)
- --- SHG1875 Text/Publication/Volume: Admiralty list of lights. 1980. Admiralty list of lights and fog signals: volume A: British Isles and north coast of France from Dunkerque to entrance to Goulet de Brest including North Sea oil and gas production installations. 252, no. 3882.
- --- SHG1882 Text/Publication/Volume: Allardyce and Hood, K and E M. 1986. At Scotland's edge: a celebration of two hundred years of the lighthouse service in Scotland and the Isle of Man. 78-9, 154.
- --- SHG2332 Text/Publication/Volume: Hume, J R. 1977. The industrial archaeology of Scotland 2: The Highlands and Islands. Paper (Original). 310; pl. 117.
- --- SHG2557 Text/Publication/Volume: Munro, R W. 1979. Scottish lighthouses. 129, 130, 155, 243, 255, 275.
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Record last edited
Aug 31 2009 4:07PM
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