Monument record MHG43544 - Skelbo Castle
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NH 7924 9519 (80m by 80m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH79NE |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Old County | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | DORNOCH |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
(NH 7920 9518) Skelbo Castle (NR) (Ruins) OS 6" map (1907)
The ruin of Skelbo Castle has occupied NW corner of a walled enclosure, and has been a rectangular structure measuring internally 43ft from E to W by 29ft 6ins transversely with walls 4ft 9ins thick. The wall of the enclosure, which is 4ft 6ins thick, in great measure remains standing. Abutting SW end of castle has been a range of buildings, now completely ruined.
The site is a fine example of an early Norman fortress of motte and bailey type. The older ruins are those of a keep and barmkin probably of 14th century date although a large section of N curtain wall has been rebuilt with characteristic 16th-17th century work, which type of masonry also appears in 17th century ruin which stands in SW corner of courtyard (Bentrick 1926). This ruin was repaired and slated in 1809 and used as a dwelling-house for some time (ONB 1873). Name Book 1873; RCAHMS 1911; W D Simpson 1924; C D Bentrick 1926.
Generally as described above, castle stands at N corner and highest part of a triangular walled enclosure within which, to SE of castle, are three scarps ranging from 0.5m to 2.5m in height. The range of buildings to SW appears to have measured some 17m by 9m. Apart from a fragment of standing wall on W, it has been reduced by a rubble bank 0.5m high.
The building in SW corner of enclosure still stands two storeys high and is about two-thirds roofed. Some older local inhabitants recall it being in a habitable condition, and believe it to have served as a distillery.
Footings of another building, 9m by 5m and 0.5m high, adjoin S wall of enclosure. Fragments of walling are exposed in several other places and a great deal of rubble is strewn over whole site.
Access has been from the SW corner of the enclosed area.
Visited by OS (R D L) 4 April 1964.
This castle was seat of Sutherlands of Skelbo, prior to their inheriting Lordship of Duffus in C14th. Even after this inheritance it seems to have continued as their main domicile.
N Tranter 1962-70.
No change to the previous field report. Revised at 1:10,000.
Visited by OS (J B) 27 May 1981.
See also NH79NE0079 - Smithy identified as present at Skelbo Castle from 1st ed OS map.
The castle was listed at Category B in 1985.
The castle was scheduled by Historic Scotland in 1995.
Building signed as dangerous so no internal visit. Lies on promontory above the Forth, sides are eroding away beneath the walls towards the NE edge/ Stone precinct wall with ruined building within. NB stones in the field wall to the E beside the road, used to raised the line are mostly worked and may well have come from the castle. One architectural piece (decorative pillar/base?) lies on top of the wall opp Skelbo Castle Cottage, but other pieces are prob also included - HAW 8/2003
This site was photographed from the air by Jim Bone in 2008. <1>
The building was de-listed in May 2015 as part of a project looking at dual designations of castles in the Highlands. It remains a scheduled monument. <2>
Sources/Archives (21)
- --- SHG1131 Text/Publication/Article: Yeoman, P A. 1988. 'Mottes in Northeast Scotland', Scot Archaeol Rev Vol. 5 1988, p.125-33. Scot Archaeol Rev. 125-33. 131, no. 102.
- --- SHG11454 Image/Photograph(s): Skelbo Castle and House.. Colour Slide. .
- --- SHG11524 Image/Photograph(s): Skelbo Castle from N.. Colour Slide. .
- --- SHG1497 Text/Publication/Article: Simpson, W D. 1924. 'Skelbo Castle', Scot Notes Queries Oct 1924. Scot Notes Queries.
- --- SHG1974 Text/Publication/Volume: Bentinck, C D. 1926. Dornoch: cathedral and parish. 423-30; plan.
- --- SHG2073 Text/Publication/Volume: Cowper, A S. 1987. Skelbo accounts 1756-1787.
- --- SHG2194 Text/Publication/Volume: Ferguson, S. 1975. To the place of shells.
- --- SHG24257 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council Archaeology Unit. HCAU Slide Collection Sheet 6. Colour slide. . Digital (scanned). 108, 143.
- --- SHG24258 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council Archaeology Unit. HCAU Slide Collection Sheet 7. Colour slide. . Digital (scanned). 143.
- --- SHG24259 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council Archaeology Unit. HCAU Slide Collection Sheet 8. Colour slide. . Digital (scanned). 149,155.
- --- SHG2430 Text/Publication/Volume: Lyon, K. {199-?}. Skelbo and the Sutherlands of Duffus.
- --- SHG2657 Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1911. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland. Second report and inventory of monuments and constructions in the county of Sutherland. . 37, No. 105.
- --- SHG2805 Text/Manuscript: Skelbo Castle. 1880-1990. Skelbo Castle - historical notes, accounts, poem and correspondence.
- --- SHG2893 Text/Publication/Volume: Tranter, N. 1962-70. The fortified house in Scotland. Vol. 5, 176-7.
- --- SHG3069 Text/Publication/Article/Newspaper Article: Skelbo Castle. 1996. Russian aspires to the manor baron [Skelbo Castle, newscutting]. The Herald.
- --- SHG3070 Text/Publication/Article/Newspaper Article: Skelbo Castle. 1996. Skelbo Manor's new Russian laird interested in rebuilding [Skelbo Castle, newscutting]. The Herald.
- --- SHG3074 Text/Publication/Article/Newspaper Article: Vaughan, M. 1992. Mansion leisure scheme rejected [Archerfield House, newscutting]. The Herald.
- --- SHG3146 Text/Publication/Article: Bangor-Jones, M. 1989. Accounts of building work at Skelbo, 1723-1787. SHG22638. 90-111. 90-111.
- --- SHG3399 Text/Publication/Volume: Name Book (County). Object Name Books of the Ordnance Survey. Book No. 9, 38.
- <1> SHG25362 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph/Oblique: Bone, J. 2008-9. Aerial photographs of various HER sites submitted by Jim Bone. Colour. Yes. Digital.
- <2> SHG27376 Text/Designation Notification/List of Buildings: Jackson, L.. 2015. Combined Statutory and Descriptive List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Highland Council, One Hundred and Eighty Ninth Amendment) 2015. Historic Scotland. 20/05/2015. Digital.
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Record last edited
Oct 7 2016 4:46PM
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