Monument record MHG4411 - Baldow deserted township (Easter Raitts), Alvie
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NH 7749 0230 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH70SE |
Civil Parish | ALVIE |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Access audit photos - hAW 11/12003
A topographic survey at Easter Raitts, Alvie, was commissioned by Highland Regional Council and was conducted by AOC (Scotland) Ltd in 1995. The aim of the survey was to provide data which would enable a reconstruction of the township at the Highland Folk Park. The survey area lay on the south-facing slopes on the north side of the river Spey some 2km northeast of Kingussie. Two areas were targeted for the survey: to the west a square area c60m by 60m, and to the east a rectangular area c340m east to west and 120m wide. The west area contained a corn-drying kiln, an enclosure, a platform and two rectangular buildings. In the larger area to the east, 36 features were recorded: amongst these were 10 rectangular buildings. Some of these are mapped on the first edition OS map, surveyed in 1869, as part of a settlement called Baldow. Two of the features recorded in the east area may predate the main parts of the Baldow settlement; a platform to the west and the cairn to the east of Baldow, may both have been of prehistoric date. <1>
Nh 7774 0228 Excavation was carried out during June 1995 in advance of the proposed reconstruction of the township of Easter Raitts for the development of the Highland Folk Park. The township is the easternmost of several similar settlements in the area known as Upper Raitts.
A total area of over 55sq m was excavated. This took the form of eight individual trenches positioned across the interior and exterior of two domestic structures and outbuildings, associated terraces, dykes and lanes. One trench examined one of a pair of possible kilns lying adjacent to each other cut into a terrace.
The structures appear to be well built with faced stone, squared corners and paved byres. Floors of beaten earth were identified within the main chambers of two structures. The immediate exterior of one of the structures appears to have been cobbled, with entrances either cobbled or flagstone-laid in both cases. A small assemblage of finds consisting mainly of glass sherds and sherds of porcelain was recovered during the excavation.
Sponsor: Highland Folk Museum.
K Cameron 1995.
NH 7774 0228 A three-week season of excavation at the township of Easter Raitts, providing training as part of Aberdeen University?s Certificate in Field Archaeology, investigated two longhouses. One proved to have at least three levels of earth floor preserved around a central hearth and paved area at the W end of the house, with a stone-packed drain at the E end. An additional room at the E end of the building was cobbled and paved and contained a curving stone structure, possibly a kiln. Structural evidence consisted of two large post-holes, including one which had supported a central post by the hearth.
A second longhouse investigated had been reused to house animals. It had a central hearth and a paved entrance leading onto a cobbled apron which looked out over Strathspey. A cruck-slot, consisting of a substantial stone setting, was also found. The entrance had later been sealed and a rough manger constructed at the W end, against the wall of a later structure built over that end of the longhouse. Abutting this smaller, stone-built structure was a rectangular platform, possibly used to store hay, and a large cobbled yard to the W.
Outside both longhouses was evidence that the walls had been built of turf, piled above stone footings one or two courses high.
Sponsors: Highland Council, Vernacular Buildings Trust, Aberdeen University.
O Lelong 1997
NH70SE 6.02 centred on 777 023
A township comprising seven unroofed buildings and an enclosure is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1872, sheet lxxxvii). Ten unroofed buildings and an enclosure are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1994).
Information from RCAHMS (SAH) 16 July 1996
NH70SE 6.00 centred on 775 023
An extensive depopulated settlement at Upper Raitts of two distinct parts. The more westerly, centred at NH 7735 0227, contains the footings of 17 buildings, ranging in size from c. 15.0m by c. 5.0m to c. 7.0m by c. 3.0m, 2 enclosures, 1 corn drying kiln and several field walls.
The more easterly, centred at NH 7774 0228, is compact, containing the footings of 12 buildings, varying in size from c. 22.0m by c 5.0m to c 7.0m by c 3.0m, 2 enclosures and several field walls.
It is not known whether the name Upper Raitts applies to the area or to the depopulated settlement, nor is the reason or date of depopulation known.
Visited by OS (R L) 29 November 1966; Visible on RAF air photograph
F21 58/RAF/2500: 0090-1: flown 1958
Three areas of settlement named Upper Raitts, Baldow and Kerrowdow are depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1872, sheet lxxxvii). Only two areas are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1994) and only the name Upper Raitts is marked.
6.01 773 023 Township
6.02 777 023 Township
6.03 778 021 Building
Information from RCAHMS (SAH) 16 July 1996
See assoc. docs. File for set of oblique photos of excavation in progress.
J Aitken : 03/01/01.
AP : Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13342.
AP : Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13343.
AP : Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13344.
AP : Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13345.
Untitled Source (Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph). SHG5097.
Untitled Source (Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph). SHG5098.
Untitled Source (Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph). SHG5099.
Untitled Source (Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph). SHG5100.
Untitled Source (Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph). SHG5101.
Untitled Source (Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph). SHG5102.
Untitled Source (Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph). SHG5103.
Untitled Source (Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph). SHG5104.
<1> Dalland, M. & Smith, A., 1995, Archaeological survey of abandoned townships at Easter Raitts, Kingussie, Strathspey (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report). SHG25735.
<2> Cameron, K., 1995, Easter Raitts Settlement Badenoch: Data Structure Report (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report). SHG23193.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, E Raitts 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13143.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, E Raitts 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13144.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, E Raitts 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13145.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, E Raitts 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13146.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, E Raitts 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13147.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, E Raitts 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13148.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, E Raitts 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13149.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12967.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12968.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12969.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12970.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12971.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12972.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12973.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12974.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12975.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12976.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12977.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12978.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12979.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12980.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12981.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12982.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12983.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12984.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts (96) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12985.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts 1996 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG14288.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG25737.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12965.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12966.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12922.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12923.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12924.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12925.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12926.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12927.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12928.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12929.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12930.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12931.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12932.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12933.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12934.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12935.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12936.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12937.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Easter Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG12938.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts '96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13114.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts '96, corn-drying kiln (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13104.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts '96, corn-drying kiln (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13105.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts '96, corn-drying kiln (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13106.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13118.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13123.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13124.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13125.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13126.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13119.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13120.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13121.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13122.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13115.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13116.
<3> Highland Council, 1996, Raitts. 96 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13117.
<4> Lelong, O., 1997, Excavations at the Township of Easter Raitts, Badenoch: 1997 Interim Report: Structures 21 and 24 and Feature 14 (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report). SHG22111.
<5> Highland Council, 1997, Easter Raitts 1997 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13268.
<5> Highland Council, 1997, Easter Raitts 1997 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13269.
<5> Highland Council, 1997, Easter Raitts 1997 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13270.
<5> Highland Council, 1997, Easter Raitts 1997 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13271.
<5> Highland Council, 1997, Easter Raitts 1997 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13272.
<6> Lelong, O., 1998, Excavations at the Deserted Settlement of Easter Raitts, Badenoch, 1998 Interim Report: Structures 6, 21, 26 and 15 (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report). SHG21176.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, E Raitts 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG14910.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13725.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13726.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13727.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13728.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13729.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13731.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13732.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13733.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13734.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13735.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13737.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13738.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13739.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13740.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13741.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13742.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13743.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13744.
<7> Highland Council, 1998, Raitts Excavation 1998 (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG13745.
<9> Lelong, O., 2000, Excavations at the Deserted Settlement of Easter Raitts - 2000 Interim Report: Platform 5 and Structure 19 (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report). SHG22178.
Sources/Archives (105)
- --- SHG13342 Image/Photograph(s): AP : Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG13343 Image/Photograph(s): AP : Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG13344 Image/Photograph(s): AP : Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG13345 Image/Photograph(s): AP : Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG5097 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .
- --- SHG5098 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .
- --- SHG5099 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .
- --- SHG5100 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .
- --- SHG5101 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .
- --- SHG5102 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .
- --- SHG5103 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .
- --- SHG5104 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: B/W Negative. .
- <1> SHG25735 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Dalland, M. & Smith, A.. 1995. Archaeological survey of abandoned townships at Easter Raitts, Kingussie, Strathspey. AOC (Scotland) Ltd. 1995. Paper and Digital.
- <2> SHG23193 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Cameron, K.. 1995. Easter Raitts Settlement Badenoch: Data Structure Report. Centre for Field Archaeology, University of Edinburgh. . Paper and Digital.
- <3> SHG12922 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12923 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12924 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12925 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12926 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12927 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12928 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12929 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12930 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12931 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12932 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12933 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12934 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12935 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12936 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12937 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12938 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12965 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12966 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12967 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12968 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12969 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12970 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12971 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12972 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12973 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12974 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12975 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12976 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12977 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12978 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12979 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12980 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12981 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12982 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12983 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12984 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12985 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts (96). Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13104 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts '96, corn-drying kiln. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13105 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts '96, corn-drying kiln. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13106 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts '96, corn-drying kiln. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13114 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts '96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13115 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts. 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13116 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts. 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13117 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts. 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13118 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13119 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts. 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13120 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts. 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13121 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts. 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13122 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts. 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13123 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13124 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13125 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13126 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Raitts.. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13143 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. E Raitts 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13144 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. E Raitts 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13145 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. E Raitts 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13146 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. E Raitts 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13147 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. E Raitts 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13148 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. E Raitts 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG13149 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. E Raitts 96. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG14288 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts 1996. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG25737 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1996. Easter Raitts 96. Colour Slide. Original & digital.
- <4> SHG22111 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Lelong, O.. 1997. Excavations at the Township of Easter Raitts, Badenoch: 1997 Interim Report: Structures 21 and 24 and Feature 14. University of Aberdeen. 07/04/2004. Paper and Digital.
- <5> SHG13268 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1997. Easter Raitts 1997. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <5> SHG13269 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1997. Easter Raitts 1997. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <5> SHG13270 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1997. Easter Raitts 1997. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <5> SHG13271 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1997. Easter Raitts 1997. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <5> SHG13272 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1997. Easter Raitts 1997. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <6> SHG21176 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Lelong, O.. 1998. Excavations at the Deserted Settlement of Easter Raitts, Badenoch, 1998 Interim Report: Structures 6, 21, 26 and 15. University of Aberdeen. 30/08/1998. Paper and Digital.
- <7> SHG13725 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13726 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13727 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13728 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13729 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13731 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13732 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13733 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13734 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13735 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13737 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13738 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13739 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13740 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13741 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13742 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13743 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13744 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG13745 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. Raitts Excavation 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG14910 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1998. E Raitts 1998. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <9> SHG22178 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Lelong, O.. 2000. Excavations at the Deserted Settlement of Easter Raitts - 2000 Interim Report: Platform 5 and Structure 19. Glasgow University (GUARD). 25/06/2004. Paper and Digital.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (4)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Intervention: Excavation - Baldow deserted settlement (Easter Raitts), Alvie (Ref:ER97) (EHG3720)
- Event - Intervention: Excavation - Baldow deserted township (Easter Raitts), Alvie (EHG3718)
- Event - Intervention: Excavation - Easter Raitts, Alvie (EHG3717)
- Event - Survey: Topographic survey - Easter Raitts, Alvie (EHG3716)
Record last edited
May 16 2013 2:36PM
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