Monument record MHG45829 - Milton of Glenbanchor


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Grid reference Centred NN 7033 9972 (10m by 10m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NN79NW


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Full Description

NN79NW 9.01 7034 9973

The faced-rubble footings of seventeen buildings and two kilns are situated in two loose clusters (NN 702 995, 703 996) at the NW end of terrace between the River Calder and the Caochan na Buaile Duibhe.
Twelve of the buildings (KING95 457-8, 460, 462, 464-5, 466-7, 471-2, 474) are relatively small, ranging from 5.1m by 2.5m (KING95 466) to 9.4m by 2.6m (KING95 464) internally. Three of the other buildings (KING95 461, 463, 469) range from 10.8m by 2.3m (KING95 463) to 14.2m by 3.5m (KING95 469) internally. The remaining two buildings are much larger, measuring 17.1m by 2.7m (KING95 459) and 21.7m by 2.6m (KING95 473) internally, with three and six compartments respectively. The largest building (KING95 473) is L-shaped, the others all being rectangular. Where the position of the entrance is visible, it lies in a side wall. In one instance (KING95 464) a building overlies the remains of an earlier structure. Midden hollows lie beside two of the buildings (KING95 459, 471). There are three enclosures within the scatter of buildings, one of which (NN 7025 9957) may have been a garden plot, while the other two (NN 7040 9963, 7044 9963) are attached to the sides of buildings.
The two corn-drying kilns lie at the N edge of the site. The bowl of the E kiln (KING95 455) has been disturbed by the drain along the NE side of the public road. The bowl measures 1.4m in diameter within a bank 1.5m in thickness, with an inner face of coursed rubble and turf embanked externally, and 0.8m in depth. The second kiln bowl (KING95 456) is also set into the slope and measures 1.5m in diameter and lies within a barn which extends to the NE and NW of the bowl. Within the barn, and to the NW of the bowl, there is a pit which may have been the firepit.
Nine of the buildings (KING95 450, 457, 464, 469-74) are depicted as unroofed on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1872, sheet ci). Nothing now remains of a sheepfold shown on the 1st edition map within the eastern cluster of buildings.
(KING95 455-67, 469-74)
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 12 October 1995

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2008 12:00AM

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