Monument record MHG45998 - Lochan Torr Na Nighinn
Grid reference | Centred NM 6769 8578 (20m by 20m) |
Map sheet | NM68NE |
Geographical Area | LOCHABER |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
NMRS Report: (14/01/2003)
NM68NE 42 centred on NM 6770 8578
Two rectilinear structures, shown as unroofed on the OS first edition 6-inch (Inverness-shire, Sheet CXXI, 1876) and 1: 10 000 (1975) maps, were located during the course of a field survey in advance of a woodland regeneration programme.
The larger structure measures 11m north to south and 6m wide, with its walls surviving to a maximum of 1.5m high and 0.8m thick. The other lies at right angles to the first, and measures 8m long by 4m wide with walls of similar proportions to those of the first.
The corners of both buildings are rounded, a common feature of 'blackhouse' architecture throughout the west of Scotland and the Western Isles.
Information from CFA Report 1994 (No. 161) MS/726/176
Sponsor: Scottish Woodlands Ltd. <1>
The two structures and the 'yard' in between were fully excavated as part of the works on the A830 improvement works. A 19th-century date was suggested by the artefactual material recovered from the two buildings.
Structure A (to the E) measured 9.9m x 4.7m in total and was orientated north/south. It was rectangular in plan with rounded external corners, and squared internal corners. It was situated in a cut hollow, possibly a quarry, with a steep slope to the north and west. Was of a superior building method, with three elements to the walls: an inner and outer skin, and a rubble core. The entire interior of Structure A was probably paved.
Structure B (to the W) was a smaller building, measuring 6.9m x 3.7m and orientated approximately east west. It was rectangular in plan with rounded exterior corners and square internal corners. It has not yet been possible to ascertain definitely the function of Structure B, ie whether or not it was a dwelling house, or a building for animals such as a byre, or a store. The narrow width of the doorway and overall size of the building suggests that it could not have been used for larger animals such as cattle. The lack of window cavities in Structure B may be suggestive of a store, although this remains uncertain due to its dilapidated state.
A number of platforms were recorded in the space between the buildings, It suggests continual flooding across this area, and a revetting wall suggests attempts to prevent the site from flooding on a regular basis.
It is suggested that these houses represent the discontinuity in the archaeological record of Lochaber (and of the wider West Highlands), with previous dwellings being formed of turf and stone. It is suggested that these buildings might represent a result of land improvements following the 1745 rebellion and that de-mobbed soldiers, or other government-friendly plantation settlers may be responsible for their construction on what was marginal land. <2>
Subsequent monitoring of topsoil stripping recorded no additional features. No earlier structures were evident. <3>
Sources/Archives (4)
- --- SHG27274 Text/Report: White, R. 2009. Angus McEachan's house: the anatomy of an early 19th-century crofting settlement near Arisaig. Scottish Archaeological Internet Report Vol. 35. Digital.
- <1> SHG24123 Dataset: RCAHMS. 02/2008. Annual update from Canmore. Digital. 233060.
- <2> SHG22428 Text/Report: Suddaby, I and White, R. 02/2006. A830 Upgrading - Loch nan Uamh to Arisaig, Lochaber. CFA Archaeology Ltd. . Digital. pp.18-28.
- <3> SHG24991 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Richardson, P. 06/2008. A830 Upgrading: Loch Nan Uamh to Arisaig, Lochaber, Highland: Archaeological Watching Brief. CFA Archaeology Ltd. Digital. p.5.
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Record last edited
Jun 21 2016 4:56PM
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