Monument record MHG4679 - Balvattan


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Grid reference Centred NH 9147 0892 (606m by 797m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH90NW


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Full Description

Centred 915 089.

Centred at NH 915 089 on the E and NE slopes of the hill of Tullochgrue, is a settlement of 12 huts in two groups ('A'-'D' and 'M', and 'E'-'L'), and an associated field system.
The huts are poorly-defined by stone-walls, spread to a regular width of c 2.5m to c 3.0m, and surviving to a height of c 0.2m. No wall faces are visible and the entrances, where evident, are ill-defined.
Huts 'D' and 'M' are oval, the remainder are circular. All hut diameters are measured between wall centres.
Hut 'A', measuring c 11.0m in diameter, is so mutilated that the wall thickness, and details of the entrance, which was probably in the SE where there is a gap, are not evident.
'B', set into a slope, measures c 11.0m in diameter. No entrance is evident. The E arc is mutilated.
'C', the best preserved, measures c 16.0m in diameter. Extending N from the entrance in the NNE, is a low wall, probably a windbreak.
'D' is set into a N-S slope, and measures c 15.0m E-W through the entrance in the E, by c 13.0m. A clearance heap lies against the SW wall. It has been excavated and material from it now overlies the wall. 'E', set into the slope, measures c 9.5m in diameter. The entrance is not evident.
'F', set into the slope, measures c 12.0m in diameter, with an entrance in the S, between the excavated and built-up areas of the hut.
'G' measures c 13.0m in diameter. The SE arc is mutilated and the entrance is not evident.
'H' measures c 15.0m in diameter. It is mutilated in the SE, and the entrance is not evident.
'J', set into the slope, measures c 10.0m in diameter. The entrance is not evident. A boulder is set in the S arc.
'K', on a level shelf, measures c 12.5m in diameter. The mutilated entrance is in the SE.
'L' on the same shelf, measures c 10.0m in diameter, with an entrance in the SE flanked on its SW side by a boulder.
'M' is in a hollow and measures c 13.0m E-W by c 11.5m. The entrance is not evident.
The field system is marked by clearance heaps (noted as pairs of cairns by C G Cash 1910), which are occasionally joined by rickles of stones. The average plot measures c 25.0m by c 20.0m.
Huts surveyed at 1/10,000.
Visited by OS (I S S) 18 April 1973; C G Cash 1910.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Welsh, T C. 1993. 'Rothiemurchus estate (Duthil & Rothiemurchus parish): survey', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1993, p.42. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 42. 42.
  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Cash, C G. 1910. 'Archaeological notes from Aviemore', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 44 1909-10, p.189-203. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 189-203. 191.

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Record last edited

May 24 2016 2:06PM

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