Monument record MHG4871 - Bracadale Parish Church


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Grid reference Centred NG 3554 3874 (80m by 80m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NG33NE
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish BRACADALE


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

See also:
NG33NE0072 Chapel
NG33NE0036 Graveyard
JAitken : 18/12/02

NG33NE 6.00 3553 3872

NG33NE 6.01 Centred NG 3560 3882 Curchyard; Grave-slabs

(NG 3553 3872) Church (NAT)
OS 6"map, Inverness-shire, 2nd ed., (1903)

A church appears to have been built at Bracadale, near the head of Loch Beag, about the middle of the 18th century to have been repaired in 1783 and to have been rebuilt in 1831; it is now the only parish church. It is said to be built on or near the site of the ancient chapel of St. Assind, to which Master John M'Kinnon was presented in 1632.
In the adjoining chuuchyard are two grave slabs with a claymore and foliaceous designs carved on each. A third stone bears in high relief the effigy of a warrior clad in a surcoat.
Visited by OS (C F W) 6 December 1960.
OSA 1792; Orig Paroch Scot 1854; RCAHMS 1928

Bracadale Church is still in use but in the old graveyard to the NE, abutting on the side of a small private burial enclosure at NG 3558 3879, there are the foundations of a building said to be an old church (Information from Mr Lockhart, Bracdale). The remains consist of turf-covered foundations, orientated NE-SW, constructed of rubble masonary bonded with shell-lime mortar and divided into two compartments. The larger measures about 10.0m long by 5.0m wide internally with walling 1.5m wide and 0.7m high, the smaller 5m square internally with walling of similar dimensions.
The building has been extensively mutilated by graves which now lie both inside and on top of the walling, but its general appearance, plan and orientation suggest that it is almost certainly St. Assind's Chapel. Visited by OS (C F W) 1 June 1961.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • --- Text/Publication/Volume: Sir John Sinclair (ed.). 1791-9. The statistical account of Scotland, drawn up from the communications of the ministers of the different parishes. Vol. 10, 473.
  • --- Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1911. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland. Third report and inventory of monuments and constructions in the county of Caithness. . 18, No. 46.
  • --- Text/Publication/Monograph: OPS. 1855. Origines parochiales Scotiae: the antiquities ecclesiastical and territorial of the parishes of Scotland. 2/2. 693; map.

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  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2008 12:00AM

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